Tuesday 6 January 2009

yu ze - 5 months

at 5 months, yu ze can flip from tummy to back and prefer to flip this way compare to back to tummy. he can sit quite well now. yu ze don't like to lay down and wants to sit up often so he don't want to play with his play gym liao. he likes to bang on things now. he is enjoying the leapfrog activity table and fisherprice rainforest piano. he had also show interest in the food we eat now but we are only going to start him after chinese new year. he starts to recognise people and environment now, he will cry very loud and badly if he is at unfamiliar face and place. boo... boo....

Sunday 4 January 2009

grocery shopping

today, we went shopping with my parents at sheng siong. i was carrying yu ze in the beginning cos he was sleeping. when yu ze wakes up, i wanted to try him on the trolley seat but my mum thinks he is too young for it. she told me not to put him there.

but after carrying him for a while, my hands are aching liao. so i decided to try. if he can't sit there or fuss then i will carry him loh. 

so this lazy mummy, put him on the trolley seat. yu ze loves it. once he is seated, he just hold on the handle himself. we afraid that he will let go of his hand and topple over but he didn't. he hold on to it tight and sit very well.

next time, we can put him there whenever we go grocery shopping liao. yeah!!!

Friday 2 January 2009


my boss is not in today, she got dental appointment. i had left my resignation letter on her table. since she is not in, she won't be able to see it but i did something very mean. i had email her to inform her about it. i'm very mean hoh to tender the first day of work of 2009. but i don't have a choice leh, if i don't tender today i won't be able to leave by 1 feb. 

hopefully on mon when she is back, the idea of me leaving has already sink in her. don't know if this is a good way to start the year.