Saturday 30 May 2009

wild wild wet

today is family day, so we had a day out at wild wild wet. my colleague pass me 2 tickets for free entrance and activities at pasir ris downtown east. when we are all ready to set off, yu ze wants to sleep liao. so we let him nap in his swim diaper. finally, he woke up at 11am and we are all set to go. wild wild wet, here we comes.
the carparks are very packed when we reached there. almost couldn't get a lot. downtown east is super crowded today and we just head straight to wild wild wet. only at the entrance then i know we can't use our own float. never mind, we can use theirs if needed. on our way there, we met my colleague and her daughter. she told us where the rest of her family are and we went to look for them.
yu ze swimming

they are near the 'tsunami' pool. we took out yu ze's shirt and he is ready to go. darling carry him to the pool to play with the water. he is so happy. as the name of the pool suggest, there are 'tsunami' waves in the pool when the guard rings the bell. the waves lasted about 10 minutes or so. yu ze is enjoying himself with the wave hitting on him. yu ze had 3 rounds of 'tsunami' waves and 1 round of floating at the shiok river before we headed home at around 3pm.

tsunami pool
lucky my colleague's family and my babysitter were there as well, if not we would have left for home much much earlier. darling keep wanting us to go back and feel that yu ze had spent too much time in the pool. darling started his nagging to go home about 15 mins we reached there. very upset with him, always spoilt the fun with his stupid reasons. because i don't have swimming costume so need to rely on him to bring yu ze down to the pool, so in a way must sort of let him have his way. but i think i quite good liao, manage to drag and let yu ze play for about 2 hours. heheh..... i think i better go get a swimming costume then i don't have to rely on him.

Tuesday 26 May 2009


recently, i realise yu ze likes to rest his head on my chest whenever he sees a stranger in the lift. i wonder if he is really shy or just pretend to shy. its very cute to see him do that and i love it whenever he rest on me. of course, his shyness doesn't stay long. within seconds, he will lift his head off and start to see that person again. he will then pretend to be shy again. by the 2nd time, he no longer become shy liao or there is not enough time for him to be shy cos the lift had arrived. heheh.....

Monday 25 May 2009

caught in the act

taking things out from drawers
mess creator
don't know if i'm right to say yu ze is a naughty boy. he loves to explore everything around him which is supposed to be good for his growth and development. however, his exploration exercise is no good for us. we have to keep clearing the mess he had created.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

follow up

today yu ze had an appointment at kk to do his last follow up scan for his previous case of uti. the scan this time round required him to fast. therefore, his last feed must be done before 730am. usually, he will wake up around 630am cos that is the time we leave for babysitter's place. however, he didn't wake up at 630am. i waited till about 7am, hoping that he will auto wake up but again he didn't. i have no choice but to disturb his sleep and wake him up around 710am for feed. i think its cos i disturb his sleep, he didn't drink much milk. so i try to give him so bread to 'tong' his tummy. he also refuse to eat and had very little of it.

we reach kk at 830am and due to the swine flu, all of us did temperature check before entering. at the diagnostic imaging clinic, we are told of what is going to happen later on and the whole thing will take about 3 hours to complete. in order for them to inject medicine in yu ze's body, they need to put that 'drip' thing on his hand. the poor boy was taken away by the nurse to prepare that as i told them i don't want to see.

well, the room is not far away from us either so we can hear him crying very loudly from outside. after much struggle, he was finally brought out of the room for us again. as he was struggling throughout the process, the nurses end up having to poke him twice cos the one for the hand failed, so they poke him again on the foot. yu ze was still crying a bit when he was in our arms. i see him like that i also heart pain and started crying too.

waited for a while before the doc came and inject the medicine in him. we are told to come back after 2 hours for the scan cos they need the medicine to move in the body first before they do the scan. during this 2 hours, don't let yu ze sleep. how is it possible not to let him sleep? i know they meant well when they say don't let him sleep so that 2 hours later, he will sleep while doing the scan. if not, he need to be put on sedation for him to sleep for the scan. having sedation do have some side effects on him.

i know yu ze can't 'tong' so long for not sleeping, so immediately after the injection of medicine, i let him nap. he napped for 30 minutes and wake up at 10am. we brought him to novena square for a walk and to waste time before heading back to kk for scan at 1130am.

lucky, i was able to make him sleep just before the scan so he didn't have to be put on sedation. the scan is completed in 20 minutes and i got the nurse to remove the 'drip thing' while we are in the scan room. yu ze woke up crying due to the pain when the nurse remove it.

we will be coming back to see the report on 2 june. hopefully, he will clear it and be discharge for uti. we measure yu ze's weight and he is only 7.2kg, only at 3 percentile. sure to get nagging from pd again on our next visit.

Sunday 10 May 2009

mother's day

though this is my first mother's day, i didn't spend a lot of time with yu ze. we leave him with babysitter around 1.30pm cos we went to catch a play at 2.30pm at drama centre. i have been wanting to watch 天冷就回来 when they first show in 2007 but didn't manage to go then. so this year i'm not going to miss it again. cos yu ze sleeps quite early, so we have to watch 2.30pm play as it going to be a 3 hour play. most of the tickets are sold out when i bought it, only manage to get 2 tickets on this day.

after the play, we had dinner first before heading back to babysitter's place to pick him up. by then its already around 8pm which is yu ze's bedtime. we brought him home, feed milk and he fall asleep shortly. 

no celebration in a way, just a quiet mother's day. hopefully, next year mother's day will have some sort of celebration or something from yu ze.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

yu ze - 9 months

in another 3 months time, my baby will not be a baby liao. he had grow so fast that i seems to miss out a lot of his development or lost count of them. yu ze is still as active as before or maybe even more. he will crawl from living room to kitchen to our bedroom to his room to dining room to study room. he had been to almost every spot of the house except the toilets cos we closed the door to prevent him from entering. 

now he likes me to chase after him when he crawls. whenever i pretend to chase him, he will crawl very fast to get away from me. of course he will laugh out loud when i catch hold of him and swing him up in the air. he will hold on to furniture and move around a bit. but he don’t like to hold on to push walker to move around. anyway, i can’t imagine him walking around. the house seems to be so messy now with him just crawling around cos he will leave evidence of where he had been by leaving his toys behind.

as he grows, darling and i feel that he really got a very naughty look. we are trying to figure out who he takes after. of course, we are pushing the blame for his naughty look to each other. hahah…. but whatever it is, yu ze is still our precious.