Thursday 6 May 2010

mother's day gift

a surprise came through our post box. its was a mother's day card 'send' by yu ze. this is my very first mother's day present from him and 'hand made' by him too. i'm so happy to see it till i nearly tear. its 'hand made' by him cos the 2 little hands on the card are his. i'm sure his teacher did help him in getting this card ready and post it out to me. but who cares if the teacher did everything and my little bao bei only contributed his 2 little hand prints.
or maybe he did help by selecting those stickers on them and paste it around. from the stickers, you can tell its all his favourite, cars, aeroplane but he didn't forget to put down one hello kitty sticker for mummy too. heheheh.....

yu ze, you did a very good job. mummy loves you.

i think its a very nice surprise that the school had helped the child to give their mummies. not sure if this is a yearly affair done by the school but its definitely a big surprise for mummies like me whose child just started school. this nice gesture also involve time, effort and money. to get the child prepare the card in advance, cost for the envelops and stamps and effort to post it out in time so that it doesn't reach us too early nor too late.

Saturday 1 May 2010

freestyle vs avent

my personal view on the 2 breast pump that i have.
freestyle vs avent duo

1. freestyle more parts to wash and sterilise

2. freestyle must sit straight to pump. avent, i don't really have to sit straight and don't have to worry about bm leak out from funnel.

3. freestyle can't surf net while pumping cos must use hand to hold on to bottles unless use handsfree thingy. avent, i can use my thigh to hold the bottles while pumping and surf net without any handsfree thingy.

4. freestyle can't express out bm efficiently like avent

5. freestyle's motor is lighter. avent motor is more strong and heavier
if i have to describe the usage of both pump, avent is like a broadband surfing while freestyle is dial-up surfing. therefore, avent is the winner here.