Wednesday 30 May 2007

3 more days

as our ad is getting nearer and nearer, we get irritated by small small things. then we tend to raise our voice at each other. we can even argue over where his xiong di are going to sleep on the eve of ad at his place. to me, they can just sleep anywhere on the floor or sofa. but he insisted on buying mattress for them. i find it a waste of money when we are not going to use the mattress in future. and also if he is going to buy mattress just cos of his xiong di then what about my side? i have parents and cousins coming to my place. i had 1 queen size bed that can be slept. so if my parents is sleeping on the queen sized bed, what about the rest of us including me, the bride? is he going to buy mattress for everyone of us. then with so many mattress, what are we going to do with them later? or is it just me being unreasonable to get everyone to either sleep on the floor or sofa or any place that they feel is comfortable. is it really important to ensure that everyone is sleeping comfortably? if yes, how many mattress do we have to buy? i really don't know.

Monday 28 May 2007

guo da li

finally back from guo da li. i woke up at 7.15am this morning to prepare, it was earlier than i usually woke up for work. heheh..... went for breakfast with parents and wait for hubby to come over. they came at around 9am with the following items given by groom side:
  1. a pair of 'dragon' candle
  2. a pair of 'phoenix' candle
  3. 32 oranges
  4. 32 cans of 'pig's leg'
  5. 50 box of cakes
  6. 2 bottle of wine
  7. 1 pack of peanut strips
  8. 1 pack of sesame strips
  9. 1 pack of lotus seeds
  10. 1 pack of dried food, (not sure what is it called, something like white fungus)
  11. 1 pack of dried longan
  12. angpao (nappy money)
  13. angpao (for parents' shoes)
  14. pin jin ($2000)
  15. si dian jin
 we had return the following to them:
  1. a pair of 'dragon' candle
  2. a pair of 'flower' candle
  3. 16 oranges
  4. 8 cans of 'pig's leg'
  5. 2 box of cakes
  6. 2 bottle of orange juice
  7. a few packet of dried food that are wrapped in red paper (not sure what is in it, didn't get to see when they are packing
  8. angpao (for fil's shoes)
  9. angpao (for groom's birthday)
  10. angpao (for sugarcane)
  11. angpao (for chickens - read in teochew '带路鸡')
  12. portion of pin jin
  13. si dian jin
  14. 2 toothbrush and 2 toothpaste
  15. 1 mug
  16. bedsheet
  17. quilt
  18. baby bath tub
  19. face basin
  20. baby potty
  21. 6 bath towels and 6 face towels
  22. full set of cosmetics with 2 lipsticks
  23. 2 baby lotion
  24. 2 baby powder
  25. 2 nail polish
  26. 2 bar of soap with soap container
  27. face & bath towels for father in law and husband's sister each
  28. 2 'xi' towels
  29. musical box
  30. 2 lamps
  31. 6 sets of bra & panty
  32. sewing kit
by 10am, we were out for our cake distribution journey. we were done at about 7pm, then went shopping for tea set and go dinner at turf city.

when we finally reach home for the 'an chuan' it was 11pm. both of us bathe and started with our 'an chuan'. yeah!!!!! i am glad its all done, tomorrow i will need to display all my others 'jia zhuang' nicely for people to see on ad.

its indeed a very tiring day but its quite fun lah....

Sunday 27 May 2007

guo da li is tomorrow

my parents had came over to my place today for tomorrow's guo da li. we went through all our things and make sure we had everything prepared.

in the afternoon, i also went over to fil's place to help him to put all the necessary things aside so that nothing will be left behind. so kiasee and kiasu...

all angpao for ad had also been packed. and after tomorrow's guo da li, there will be no outstanding items in my list except for the cross stitch. however, i'm not going to let that bother me. anyway, that is consider a bonus if i can have it ready by ad. hehehe........

hopefully, everything will go smoothly tomorrow.

Friday 25 May 2007

video montage

i have completed my video montage with 2 different songs. can't decide which song is a better choice for montage. is the valentine from martina mcbride or 在你身边 from 张学友?

8 more days to go....

Thursday 24 May 2007

thank you card

i have made a simple thank you card for my jie meis. i'm also thinking of getting them a small gift but had no idea what to buy. i want something small and not bulky so that i can put it in the envelope with the thank you card. hmmm...... any suggestions? bookmark? key chain? accessories?

Wednesday 23 May 2007

count down.... 10 days to ad

ad is getting nearer...... starting to feel the stress liao. must try to be calm if not all pimples will start to pop out. 
i still have 3 things on my list. 
  1. invitation card, sent out except for my relatives (can only give on guo da li)
  2. precious moment cross stitch, 90% done (left with backstitch)
  3. ang pao for ad, not pack 
sometimes, i wish my ad is already over liao. no need to feel so stress.

Tuesday 22 May 2007

fittings and collection of album

i had my final fitting and collected our album. my evening gown had always fit me nicely but since i requested to have a medium size can can instead, judy got to alter the gown for me. for my wedding gown, its already loose when i wear it for ps. yesterday was worse, and again with the smaller can can more alteration is required.

i tried on the wedding gown with veil too. judy is very good, within minutes, she can bun up my hair and pin up the veil to show me. i'm impressed.

cos my wedding gown is halter, they don't recommend me to wear any necklace. however, they don't provide for evening gown. i think i will start looking for something simple.

Monday 21 May 2007

flower girl's basket

pretty lace basket
i have finally got the basket for the flower girl. but i still can't find the artificial flower petals. tried looking for them at florist and spotlight but they don't have. heard from my friend that geylang will have, i was like huh? is it possible? i think i will try out ikea and concourse.

Thursday 17 May 2007

its confirmed... march in songs

finally, there will be no more changes to our march in songs.
1st march in - from this moment by shania twain
2nd march in - 小夫妻 (欧德洋)
we do away with first dish song. ai ming's daughter is very nice to lend us her 小夫妻 cd, this save us $$ to buy it. hotel has from this moment, so no need to prepare on our own too. yeah!! no more searching of the cds.

Wednesday 16 May 2007

change in march in song

darling suddenly wants to change our march in song, from this moment to 在你身边 (张学友). after listening to the song, i'm wondering is this song appropriate? is it a better choice than from this moment? i have doubts about it. i think i will ask him to re-consider.

Tuesday 15 May 2007

18 days to go...

ad is drawing very near now. i'm starting to feel '紧张'. and i think this anxiety is making me sick. suffering from cold now and also stomachache from my previous things to do list, what else have i complete?
partial done/incomplete list
  1. PS photo selected, layout confirm, waiting for pagination (waiting for collection now)
  2. invitation card, sent out except for my relatives (can only give on guo da li)
  3. guest list, consolidating for RSVP now (contacting guest to rsvp)
  4. things for 'guo da li', done except food stuffs (done)
  5. montage, 50% done, waiting to get PS cd to continue (cd will be ready when i collect album)
  6. precious moment cross stitch, 40% done (left with bride's gown and backstitch)
  7. seating plan, doing as rsvp comes in (still doing)
  8. ad caterer, still sourcing (confirm getting neo garden, waiting for mum to confirm no)
  9. ang pao for ad, not pack
  10. hair accessories for ad, still sourcing (not compulsory, for hiao only) (done)
  11. ad videographer (can't decide, budget tight)
  12. ad car and flowers, waiting for bs to call us to select (done)
  13. basket for flower girl and fake petal, sourcing
  14. tea set, if can find 1 that i like then will buy. if not will do without (done, cos fil got a set so no need to buy)
hmm..... i only can strike off 4 items from the list. must work towards clearing the list. 加油!!!

Sunday 13 May 2007

mini honeymoon confirmed

we are going for the toyota drive away trip to Awana Kijal Golf, Beach & Spa Resort from 8 june to 10 june. this will be our mini honeymoon before our honeymoon trip to taiwan. 

this is our 2nd drive away trip organised by toyota. we were just friends when we went for our 1st trip to cameron highlands. and now we are going as a couple. time really flies...

Friday 11 May 2007

yeah!!! change car

we have decided to change our bridal car. my fil told my hubby don't be stingy, top up for a bigger merz (the model famous for its 1 big and 1 small 'eye'). so no more ugly car (model E 124) as our bridal car. yeah!!!.

sometimes, i'm glad that my fil is there to push my hubby for things i want and things that he didn't do. hehehe......

Wednesday 9 May 2007

album, car and bouquet

went to gracful image to confirm album, bouquet and bridal car. i didn't like the bridal car at all but didn't want to top up $150 to change car leh. still thinking about the car now. hehehe....

is the bridal car really important? can i just ignore the ugly car? its a merz but i think its the old model, 124.

sigh!!! what to do? change or don't change...

Thursday 3 May 2007

ad theme

deco for fullerton
 i had requested the hotel to provide me with a sample pic of what we have selected for our ballroom deco. can be quite forgetful at time, so its better to get the pic so that we can remember.
looking at the pic now, i don't quite like the aisle stand. its seems out of place when put together with the rest. hopefully with all the flowers changed to roses with different tone of red, it will look good. not forgetting to get rid of that ugly lily for the VIP table. it really spoilt the whole look.
all chairs comes with white seat cover, vip table's chairs will come together with gold sash. table cloth of vip table is in gold like the one shown on the guest table pic. for guest table, it will be in maroon of the same design.

just pray hard that everything will turn out good and looks coordinated.

Wednesday 2 May 2007

cross stitch... to be continue....

almost 3 weeks had gone since i created trouble for myself with the cross stitch set that i bought. but i think i'm moving on with it quite fast. only left with about 60% of the bride not done. hoping that i can finished it by next week, then can send it off to frame and then its ready to hang up in our bedroom.