Wednesday 21 November 2007

my darling

i was helping my colleague in moving a few cartons of a4 paper today. we were trying to place them onto the trolley so that we can move it from the store to our office. after placing them on the trolley, i realised a slight pain in my stomach. i think i have pull one of the muscle while carrying the carton. the pain is not too bad but did lasted for more than an hour. lucky, the pain was gone before i knock off. if not, he will sure drag me to see doc. 
back in my seat, i decided to sms my darling to tell him about it. hoping that he will 'sayang' me with words. hehehe.... didn't expect darling to have such a major reaction from my sms. he called me immediately to check if i'm ok. ask where is the pain, is it very bad and he sounded very worried. keep telling me that i shouldn't carry such heavy things and should not strain myself. in future, get others to do it. 
i'm touched by him, didn't expect to get such big reaction from him. if i know, i wouldn't have told him. when he came to fetch me, the first time he said is, still got pain (touching my stomach)? even back home now, he still continue to check on me making sure that i'm not in pain. 
thanks darling, i'm really very 幸福 to have you with me.

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