Thursday 20 March 2008

6th gynae visit - detailed scan

we went to kkh 9.30 in the morning for my detail scan. there was quite a number of people there but lucky don't have to wait long for my turn. 

the scan took about 30 minutes cos the sonographer is taking all sort of measurement for baby. she was pointing to us all the different body parts of baby but we just can't recognise any of the part. hehehe..... when she pointed out the tummy to us, we thought that is his head. his tummy is round as a ball. i guess we are just plain lousy in looking at the scan. baby is facing down during the scan. she ask me to turn to my side, to cough hoping to make baby turn but baby simply refuse to do so. therefore, she can't take a good pic of baby. only manage to get the blur one. 
he had confirm baby is a boy. we will be having a micky mouse. darling is very happy although he says its ok to have a girl too. but i know he prefer to have a boy. whatever it is we were happy to know that baby is healthy and is growing. at least now we can start buying things that is gender related. heheh..... 
i'm at 19 weeks and 6 days. weight as of now is 50.7kg. but i'm tested with sugar content in my urine. i think it must be those soft drinks that i have been drinking (now more relaxed in my diet, didn't control much). must try to control the intake of sugared drinks now. hopefully, on the next visit there will be no more sugar in my urine.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

3rd time

for the 3rd time, someone had actually give up their seat for me on the train. i think i really look pregnant now. people do start to take note of me. hehehe...... so i guess, singaporeans are not that inconsiderate after all.

1st time was an indian lady, 2nd time was a 30+ years old man and this time was a nurse. 

i think i should consider myself to be quite lucky, was able to meet these kind souls. thank you very much.

Monday 17 March 2008

i feel you

baby, i feel you yesterday. you were moving when i on the baby einstein cd. i thought it was my imagination, i rest my hand on my tummy again. i waited patiently for you to move again. indeed, you move again. the movement is quite strong compare to the previous times where its feel like you are blowing bubble inside me and bursting them. this time round, you seems to be doing somersault stunts inside me. its so exciting to be able to feel you. i guess you must be enjoying the music. i wish this is not a once in a while time, want to be able to feel you more often, ok?

Saturday 15 March 2008

more things for baby

we got more things for baby. bought a storage frame and some storage boxes for it from ikea. this will be baby's little cupboard for his/her clothes, toys and misc. 

we also got a akira mini cd player to be placed in baby's room in future. right now, this mini player will be placed in our room to play the baby einstein cd in the night. when baby is born, then we move it back to his/her room for him/her to listen to these soothing music.

of course, there are more clothes. got another 3 sets of little bobdog clothes and 3 diaper pants at united square.

darling says must keep all the receipts and claim from baby when he/she grows up. show him/her the amount of $ we had spend on him/her. hahahh.....

Thursday 13 March 2008


today is our 1st wedding anniversary (rom), we didn't really have any kind of celebration but went on a shopping spree for baby's stuff. 
we went to isetan private sales, og and bhg at bugis. we spent about $200+ on the following things:
  • baby nail clipper
  • avent milk powder container
  • disney receiving towel
  • 6 rompers
  • 6 sets of baby's tops and shorts
  • 5 diaper pants
  • 2 pack of handkerchief
  • sarong sling
  • pooh pillow and bolster set
  • pooh pillow cover
  • pooh bolster cover
i guess now, our main focus is to start preparing for baby's arrival in aug. we need to budget and plan on things to buy. we still don't know the gender of baby so things we buy now had to be either unisex or have no relation to gender. shopping for baby is very fun as all the stuff looks so cute and nice but its definitely an expensive activity. heheheh.........

Thursday 6 March 2008

cry baby

darling is away for 3 days 2 nights for camp. i make noise the day i know about this camp and insisted that he comes back. i told him to tell his colleagues, he got 1 big (me) and 1 small (baby inside me) at home so he can't stay there must be back home to accompany me. of course, this is not a valid reason lah. 

this is the 2nd time, i'm home alone (but now got baby in me). he manage to come back for a while yesterday before i sleep.but me being a cry baby actually started crying when i see him, don't want him to go back. i want him to stay with me. just like a little girl refuse to let her parents go to work kind. sigh..... 

so in the end, he had to stay to sayang me a while to make sure i have stop crying and go to bed. as usual, he give me and baby our goodnight kiss and off the lights for me before he left after i sleep.