Sunday 21 June 2009

father's day

i did a little 'poster' for darling on behalf of yu ze as father's day gift. thanks to pkum, i got the idea from her.

we also had a little photo shoot session. i got darling to get father in law and sister in law to come with us. although its just a short 30 minutes session, its very tiring. however, we are happy with the result. we manage to get nice family photos.

Saturday 6 June 2009

yu ze - 10 months

2 more months, yu ze is going to be a toddler. yu ze only weighs 7.4kg and 68cm tall at near 10 months. he is still consider small size cos he only hits 3 percentile on the health book. his other developments are all ok, no issues. he is also very active so maybe that's why he is not putting on much weight.
he knows how to climb up stairs long ago but last week, he actually climb up my bedside table. my bedside table is quite small, maybe the size of a3 paper only. on it, i already have his monitor (parents set), my wedding lamp and a teddy bear and other stuffs. he throw everything on the floor leaving my lamp, teddy bear and monitor on it and climb up holding on to the lamp. so its actually very limited space for him, if he were to sit down, he sure topple and fall. i was shocked to see that. lucky i was around when he do that so i can still hold on to him. can't leave him alone to play liao.
he got his 5th and 6th tooth cutting through liao. finally manage to train him to hold his own bottle to drink milk. he knows how to hold but just lazy to hold. but now, i don't care. if he don't hold, he got no milk. heheheh.... so he will hold when he is desperate for milk. evil mummy. hahahh..... he refuse to learn to walk. whenever we hold him to let him walk, he will take both legs up in the air. only when we don't hold him, he will hold on to furniture and walk a bit. can't think of anything new that he learn liao. poor memory mummy.

Friday 5 June 2009

last gai gai for my breast friend

today will be the last day that i'm bringing my pump to work. after today, i'm going to reduce my pump to twice a day. my supply had dropped very badly that i only left about 300ml a day. very sad to see my supply drop so badly. i'm not motivated to pump anymore. breast don't feel full at all after 8 hours. i think i will have to stop totally very soon. but, i think i had already did my best and i think my fbm will still be able to last about 1 month + before converting yu ze to total fm.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

2nd anniversary

this is only our 2nd anniversary yet darling forgets all about it. knowing that he will forget, i set alarm in his hp to remind him. however, i didn't state in the reminder what anniversary today is. I just put down as anniversary.

he actually called me after looking at the reminder to ask me, what anniversary? he keep guessing and got it all wrong. i just keep quiet about it. till the end of the day, he still don't know its our customary 2nd anniversary. its only the 2nd year and yet he forgets. its very sad loh.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

follow up check

i change yu ze's 2 medical appointment to today so that we don't have make 2 trips down to kk. we were there for his scan report and 3rd dose of penomoccocal.

he cleared his scan report and was discharge by kk for his uti. no more follow up needed, his last episode of uti was an isolated case. in the afternoon, we had appointment with his pd for the 3rd dose of penomoccocal. as usual, his weight and height is on the low side. he is only at 3 percentile by age. pd asked what he takes daily. she told us yu ze's absorption might not be good cos he eats a lot but not putting on weight. she wants us to stop giving him 'adult' (chee chong fun, rice, etc) food. give yu ze more soft food or cereal.

however, yu ze don't like cereal at all. he likes textured food. too soft food, he is not interested at all. he is already eating rice and porridge liao, how to go back to cereal for him. again because of his weight issue, i had another cold war with darling.

he say that i shouldn't introduce 'adult' food to yu ze so soon. should just give him cereal and nothing else. he didn't put on weight cos he can't absorb all his food. i feel so 'wei qu'. why blame me when yu ze is small size. since birth, his growth has always been consistent at this kind of rate. he is healthy and active so what is the problem when he is only at 3 percentile. if he had been at the 75 percentile range and drop to 3 percentile, then i will worry. but he is always at the low end what. so what is the concern. what's there to worry about? i really don't understand leh.

both of us are underweight too, so to have a small size baby, isn't it normal? darling make me feel like i don't love yu ze at all. i don't care for him. my love for yu ze is 0% and his is 100%. i'm really very hurt. why can't he accept the fact that his son is on the small size. its coming to 10 months liao, he still can't accept it. he didn't realise that he is actually putting a lot of stress on me.