Monday 21 December 2009

holiday without passport

last year, darling feels that yu ze is too young for a holiday. this year, we still didn't get our holiday cos he still thinks yu ze is too young, me preggy and with h1n1 saga, no overseas is allowed. :(

i'm pretty upset about it cos i know many babies had already travelled overseas as young as 6 months and below. in this case, yu ze is consider 'over aged' liao. arghhhh......


to compensate us in a way, darling booked for us a 3 days 2 nights 'overseas' trip for us at rasa sentosa. this 'overseas' trip does require us to travel from 1 island to another island without the need of having a passport. :P

sigh..... i guess this 'holiday' is better than no holiday bah. we did enjoy yourself for that little short trip.

Saturday 12 December 2009

upgraded to toddler bed

i know i'm super kiasu and i have upgraded yu ze to toddler's bed liao. this is to transit him out of his cot so that mummy can give the cot to meimei in april. don't want him to think that meimei is taking over all his stuff so must give him time to get use of it.

mummy being cheapo, bought a cheap 2nd hand toddler bed from a forum mummy. though its a 2nd hand toddler bed, it looks very new. it comes with the mattress and 2 sets of bedsheets too, all for the price of $80.

sleeping soundly on his new bed
yu ze is able to climb up and down of the bed himself. i place some mat below his bed and a quilt on top of the mat to provide some cushion in case he does roll over and fall off bed. he had been sleeping on the new bed for some time liao and no accident had happen. 'touchwood'
though he can come down of his bed himself, he dare not come down when he is awake. he will sit there and call for us to 'rescue' him. ahahha..... i'm very glad that he took to the new bed so fast and without any fuss.

Sunday 6 December 2009

yu ze - 16 months

isn't he cute?
i must remember to blog about yu ze's development every month though there isn't much to blog now.
things he can do now:  
  • go up and down the stairs by holding on the railings
  • kiss mummy when i ask him to kiss (sometimes depends on his mood also)
  • bring his shoes to you to ask you to wear so that he can go gaigai
  • can understand simple instructions, eg can take his own diaper and throw in dustbin
  • will try to dance together with music
  • able to sit down and watch tv for about 10 - 15 mins (giving us sometimes to do something in peace)
i'm going to send him to childcare next year after chinese new year. hopefully, he is able to adapt to school life well.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

detailed scan

didn't send yu ze to babysitter's place today. going to have detailed scan, so going to bring him along to see baby. as usual, he wakes up early at 6.30am to have his milk. then he went out with darling to buy breakfast for me while i sleep a bit later. :)

after breakfast and packing yu ze's bag, we are ready to leave for kk to see baby. very excited, can't wait to see baby and also to find out his/her gender. the wait is pretty short maybe cos i'm the first few bah.

the scan was quite long cos the sonographer forgets to enter my name before she starts. thus she end up doing the scan twice. well, its good for me cos then i get to see baby more. hahaha.... baby is also not super cooperative. she is always touching her face or sucking her fingers. not in the right position for certain scans. sonographer mentions that she is of an average size as of now.

yu ze and darling was with me all the while during the scan. however, its yu ze's nap time so he is a bit grouchy. darling got to carry him out towards the end of the scan to walk around, leaving me behind to continue my scan. at that time, darling still don't know if baby is a girl or boy cos she didn't open up her legs for the scan. hahah.... i only got to know just before i finish the scan.

i'm so happy that i can start buying pretty dresses to dress up my girl. :) i'm going to tahan and hold my buying. cos once start its difficult to stop. must hold and hold on first if not, pocket will cry. hahahah.....

after the scan, went to see gynae with my report. gynae says everything looks good. he congratulate us and know that i'm super happy. he even commented that i can plan to close shop liao. hahahah....

my weight now is 46.8kg. if based on my first visit's weight, i only gain 600g. if i take the weight i lost during first trimester till now, my gain is 2.2kg. gynae didn't comment on my weight so i guess its still ok for now bah. the gain will be more and faster as i go. hopefully, i can keep my weight gain below 10kg.