Tuesday 5 January 2010

6th gynae visit

went to see baby again after a long wait. i thought i would have gain a lot of weight this period as its christmas season, there is reason to eat and eat non-stop. hahaha..... however, i was wrong leh. i only gain 1kg, current weight is 47.8kg.

though my weight gain is very minimum but baby is actually bigger than yu ze leh. yu ze is only near 600g at 23 weeks but girl is 700g at 24 weeks. hmmm...... i still always think that she will be smaller, seems like i'm wrong leh. her current heart beat is 132/minutes.

anyway, i was schedule for the dreadful ogtt on my next visit. sigh.... i guess there is no escape for me from the fingers pricking activity again. gynae consol me by saying this, 'think of the end product (healthy baby) you will find that whatever you do or suffer now is worth it.'

this is very true loh, looking at yu ze now i don't really remember all the 'pains' that i have suffered. :)

he is very cute today, he try to climb up the scanning bed with me today. he is also very friendly towards gynae. i guess he is comfortable with him liao and also the whole kk environment. he seems to know where is where in kk. every time, we are in kk he will sure want to walk to the little park to see the statues and water fountain.

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