Saturday 10 April 2010

yu xi has arrived

today, i felt so different. couldn't walk long, can feel baby pressing down hard, must support tummy to walk if not its can be quite painful. even with supporting tummy, pain does comes in on and off. don't know if its any sign or not. but i don't want baby to come out so soon. hoping to tong longer then i can be in office for the audit that we had work so hard for. don't wish to miss it. hahaha.... a bit siao right.

i'm resting in bed after breakfast. i managed to go out to get my camera in the afternoon. after that, i got myself a coconut to drink then start to call babysitter to find out where she is cos i need to leave yu ze with her. i told her to call me when she reached home so that i can 'throw' yu ze to her. we went home to wait for her call while i rest. 
i also cook a hard boiled egg for myself to eat. my cousin who had just delivered told me that her colleague teach her this. peel a hard boiled egg and eat yourself before delivery will help to have a smooth and fast delivery just like how a hen popped eggs. hehehe..... anyway, no harm trying right so i did it too.

first photo
send yu ze off to babysitter's place around 3+ before we head down to kk. on the way, i peel and ate the hard boiled egg. once i reach kk, got into observation and put on CTG around 415pm . by then i was having my backache which is my contractions. with the backache, i can't really stay still to be monitor by the machine. i think by 430-445pm or so i have been turning and tossing around to ease the ache couldn't really capture anything on the machine liao. the nurse came to help me adjust but i told her i can't stay still due to the ache. she did a check and say that i'm already 5cm. she quickly prepare and push me to delivery suite. i told her i want my epidural immediately.

while being in the delivery suite, contractions come in very fast and frequent that i was tearing. the nurse and midwife were busy trying to put me on drip for antibiotic, got another gynae to give me the dosage required while waiting for my gynae to come back from the ang mo kio clinic. while all these running in and out, i'm also trying to manage the contractions (my backache). finally my gynae came and check, he say i'm ready to deliver no time for epidural. break my waterbag and got me ready to deliver anytime.

i was in pain that i could not really follow what they are telling me but somehow i manage to deliver yu xi near 6pm. i started to inform people on her arrival in the delivery suite at 620pm. yu xi's arrival is too fast for people to react in delivery suite and me. i also had my first delivery without epidural.

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