Monday 15 October 2012

naughty girl

today, yu xi collected her class photo. yu ze asked to see it, she refused to show him. both of them were whining in the car cos one wants to see, one refuse to let the other see. i told them we will go playground after dinner if they stop whining and yu xi to show gor gor the photo.
yu xi being naughty: 
  • don't want to show gor gor her class photo. she insist that gor gor has already (she meant gor gor has his own class photo)
  • don't want to get out of car and blocked gor gor at the door (i only open 1 car door and get them to come out from the same side)
  • refuse to carry her own bag (i don't help them carry bags)
  • reach home also don't want to show anybody (including me and papa) her class photo
  • cry for no reason
  • after dinner, i ask yu ze to wear shoes cos we are going to playground. i turn to mei mei and told her for all the naughty things, she can't go playground. she started crying.
yu ze heard and quickly came to me.
yu ze: mommy, mei mei is a good girl. she finished her dinner. stop crying and share. she can go playground.
me: but mei mei didn't share her photo with you
yu ze: have. she good girl, she can go.
since yu ze insists, we bring her to the playground too.

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