Sunday 21 April 2013

on second thought

darling wake up this morning and give me a shocking new. on second thought, he decided to call off the deal for the car and forfiet the deposit. he said we can't afford the car loan, we will be in very tight very tight financial. therefore, he decided to call off the deal. he rather waste the $3k now then be in deep trouble later. without thinking much, i just leave it as it is.
while waiting for them to finish their berries class, darling still keep thinking about it. i told him not to call the dealer to cancel the order first. it doesn't make a difference for him to cancel it today or tomorrow. i also suggested him to talk to jiali and ying ying then decide what is the best. to me, having a car is not important. there is always public transport and i have survived so many years without one too.
its during lunch time that it strikes me that we do need a car. 2 year down in 2015, yu ze will be starting primary one. however, he will be in the afternoon session which means i need to send mei mei to childcare and him to student care before i go to work. both only take in students at 7am and both are at different direction from our place. if i were to send them, i might end up reaching office at 9. in this case, i will have to get a further pay cut for this. if i don't have a car and have to take cab every morning, cab fare alone may work out to be $40-$50. on raining days, i might have problem getting one too. make provision of me spending $100 (2 ways) a day on cab fare, it works out to be $36.5k. with that, we might as well get the car for convenience.
after much discussions, we decide to bite the bullet and go ahead to get a car. then another bad new come along, his colleague who is driving the volkswagon golf feedback that its after sales service and maintainence of the car sucks. upon hearing that, darling decides not to buy it again. call up the dealer to request to change to another model. i also check with marion on her car and see her response to it. end up, we have 2 different extreme feedback on volkswagon.
we went to the dealer again and had another round of chat. not sure if its the sales tactic or what, darling is again being convince to buy that car. well, i just hope no more drama coming up with regards to buying car. next step is to make arrangement for workshop check then talk further bah.

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