Friday 8 November 2013

kueh lapis

i have been wanting to bake kueh lapis but haven't have the courage to it. looking round the web for recipe. this one looks good to me. copy down the recipe first and hopefully i will get to bake it soon.
this recipe is from

(17cm square pan - mine is a 6" which is 15+cm, hopefully it will work too)

250g butter at room temperature
60g + 60g + 30g castor sugar
10 egg yolks
4 egg whites
66g cake flour
1 tablespoon rum/brandy
2 tablespoon condensed milk
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

1. preheat oven to 170C - 180C. line the baking tin with baking paper and grease it well with butter.

2. cream butter with 60g sugar till creamy.

3. beat egg yolk with 60g sugar till thick. stir in rum/brandy and condensed milk.

4. sieve flour, baking powder and mixed spice onto a plate.

5. mix butter and egg yolk mixture well. fold in flour mixture by thirds and mix well. (I use the beater on low speed to mix this).

6. beat egg white till big bubbles form, add in cream of tartar, beat till white in colour then add in sugar and beat till stiff (about 7 -10 minutes).

7. fold egg white into egg yolk mixture and mix well.

8. turn on the top fire only, grill baking pan for 1 minute and spoon 2 tablespoon batter into baking pan. spread the batter evenly, put to grill at top fire in the oven. Grill for about 4.5 - 5 minutes or till brown. remove from oven, use a cake tester or toothpick to prick holes on the top of cake. repeat this layer by layer till batter finish.

9. unmould cake immediately and turn on to wire rack to cool.
1. best to use oven with top and bottom fire. adjust oven temperature and check cooking time required for each layer according to your oven.
2. do not grease the sides of the baking tin.
3. make sure the lined paper fits the baking tin exactly.
4. do not put too much batter for each layer, else the centre of the cake will not be cooked.
5. adjust sweetness and flavour of cake by increasing or decreasing amount of sugar and spices.
6. make sure you use the same spoon and same amount of batter for each layer, so that the layers will be even.
7. bake each layer till quite brown before adding new layer. this way when the whole cake is baked, the layers will be explicit.

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