Wednesday 11 February 2015

rainbow valentine cookie

saw this beautiful rainbow valentine cookie on facebook and decide to give it a try. first thing I need to take the colouring from yong jie.

170g butter
155g icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 egg yolks
310g cake flour
egg white
1 teaspoon water

1. cream the butter with icing sugar
2. add in the vanilla extract and mix
3. add 3 egg yolks and mix
4. add in the sieve cake flour and mix well to form a dough
5. spilt the dough into 3 parts.
6. keep one part of the dough as it is. spilt the other 2 parts of the dough into 6 and mix the colouring into each small part and mix well
7. measure the height of your heart shape cookie cutter.
8. divide the height of the heat shape cookie cutter into 6 and roll the colour dough the thickness as required.
9. ensure the roll out dough of all the same size to make stacking easier later.
10. chill the roll out dough to set the shape.
11. mix 1 teaspoon of water to egg white
12. brush some egg white on the colour dough and stack another colour dough on it. repeat till all colour dough are stack up in a pile
13. press them together with a rolling pin lightly.
14. cut off the uneven side from the pile.
15. put the pile in the fridge to set
16. cut the pile according the thickness of the cookie cutter
17. cut out the heart shape from the dough and set aside
18. brush some egg white on the cut out heart shape dough and stack all of them together
19. slowly roll out the original dough into strips and place them on the stack up heart shape dough.
20. ensure all the original dough cover up the heart shape roll nicely into cylinder.
21. set it in the fridge again
22. get ready a plate of sprinkles
23. brush some egg whites on the dough and roll it on the sprinkles.
24. ensure the roll are cover in sprinkles
25. slowly cut them up into the thickness you want for the cookie
26. bake at 170 degree for about 10-12 minutes

Monday 9 February 2015

almond crisp

with lot of egg white left over from baking of pineapple tarts. I have to make almond crisp.

100g almond slice
40g egg white
50g plain flour
30g butter (melted)
60g castor sugar
1/8 teaspoon vanilla essence

1. thaw egg white at room temperature
2. sieve flour twice
3. melt the butter with double boil method
4. whisk the egg white till you see white bubbles
5. add in sugar and beat in circular motion till sugar dissolved
6. add in the flour till well combined
7. mix in the butter and mix well
8. spread the mixture on the baking paper thinly
9. spread some almond slice on it
10. bake at 170degree for 8-10 minute or till brown. (take care of the side as it brown faster then the middle portion
11. cut it into the size you want after taking out from oven
12. cool it completely before storing

Saturday 7 February 2015

nuts nuts

many share their cny bakes/fry on facebook. I tried to air fry cashew nuts and almond too. so glad that it did turn out well.

cashew nuts, air fry for 7 minutes at 180 degree
almond, air fry for 3 minutes at 180 degree then 2 minutes at 150 degree

Sunday 1 February 2015

spring roll

this year we have spring roll for cny. its air fry spring roll. no more oily snacks.

1 pack of spring roll skins (cut into 4)
1 bottle of hae bee hiam (glory or singlong)
1 egg as sealer

alternative ingredients:
1 bottle of crispy pork floss*
1 bottle of pork floss

1. cut the spring roll skins into 4 pieces**
2. put 1/2 teaspoons of hae bee hiam/pork floss in the middle of the spring roll skin
3. put a bit of egg at the corner of the spring skin and wrapped it up.
4. air fry them for 8 minute at 180 degree.


* grind the crispy pork floss finer before mixing with the pork floss to wrap
**thaw the skin in original packing. cover with a wet cloth after removing them from the packaging to prevent it from drying up.

Saturday 31 January 2015

seaweed cod fish

finally, I get to make this seaweed cod fish.

1 pack of cod fish
1 pack of seaweed
egg white

1. take out 1 piece of seaweed and brush some egg white on it
2. place the cod fish slice on the seaweed neatly.
3. cut the seaweed with cod fish slice up into smaller squares
4. air fry them for 4 minutes at 180 degree
5. cool them complete before storing.

Saturday 4 January 2014

kueh lapis

i have finally get the ingredients and find time to bake the kueh lapis. its really a lot of work. now i know why its so expensive to buy kueh lapis. i sit beside the oven for an hour + to bake this. I'm glad it turns out well.

my testers love it. if i were to bake it in future, must bake a bigger cake to make all the effort worthwhile.

Saturday 28 December 2013


our first trip to uss. we were very excited about it. starting off the day with breakfast with sesame street characters, follow by activities within uss and Christmas show. determine to make full use of our package to stay the whole day.  
the breakfast with sesame street character is the best. it just turn all of us back into kids. we get excited over every character that walks into the restaurant. drop of food and off we went to queue. everything is so pretty in there. i want to take every single thing back with me.
maybe its holiday and its a weekends, all the rides queue are long. the shortest queue is about 15 minutes to 40 minutes. we didn't queue for a lot of rides as many are not suitable for them as well. we have funs taking pictures with many of the mascots.
i wouldn't go back to uss in the near future unless they have special events going on.