Monday 27 August 2007

so bored

i'm so bored. i simply got nothing to do in the office. sometimes i wonder, is it me who is too efficient or i am not given any work. sigh.... so sian....... 
this is worse than staying at home. at least, i can watch tv, sleep, play neopet or laze around at home. but all these are impossible when i'm in the office. help!!!! what can i do to past time.

Friday 24 August 2007

i thought i have forgotten

it has been more than a month, i thought i have forgotten about the miscarriage. it never occur to me that i have not got over it. my tears just rolled down as i was talking to my friend. she heard about it from another friend and was showing her concern. although i just shed a tear or two but it still hurt. it feel as if someone is stabbing me. i guess this kind pain will never go away and it will stay forever. but i will be strong and not going to shed another a tear when its was brought up again in future.

Wednesday 22 August 2007

mc again

i had another bad flu attack again last night. wake up in the middle of the night to take panadol cold. decided to see doc today and not let it go on. was given a mc to rest at home and for the whole day, i just feel so tired and sleepy. i had spend my day sleeping and i still feel weak and a bit giddy now. this flu bug is really bad, going to have dinner and sleep again.

Monday 20 August 2007

down with flu

i have been down with flu for quite some time. its not always there though, it just comes on and off for at least 2 weeks. i didn't have anything special in my diet compare to last time. the new thing added to my diet now is the multi-vitamin that i'm taking everyday now. could it be the multi-vitamin that cause my immunity to be down? it shouldn't be, its supposed to build up my immunity and not destroy it, right? hmm.... what could be the cause of it?

Saturday 18 August 2007


i tried to make 算盘子 yesterday. one of the my favourite dish that my mum used to cook for me. the original 算盘子 is make from yam but i'm not a big fan of yam so my mum replace it with potato. from then, we have our own version of potato 算盘子.
in the past, i had always help out when she is making it. yesterday, i 心血来潮 thought of doing it myself. i bought all the ingredients after work at sheng siong. after dinner, i started cooking. the whole preparation process is 1 hour. this dish had become our little supper at about 9pm. of course, my guinea pig for this dish will be my darling. 
the dish just tasted like my mum's cooking. hehehe..... but my darling don't like it. he feels that the potato is tasteless and doesn't go with the rest of the ingredients but still he finished them all. hahah...... maybe in future, i can try to modify the dish a bit so that the potato will have some taste.

Friday 17 August 2007


i went for interview at moe yesterday. i saw a long list of interviewee at the security check point. i went up and got all my documents verify and waited for my turn. i was very anxious when i reached there but as i waited, i become very relax and cool. 
they never ask question that i expected such as family planning, strengths and weaknesses and overall its ok. after i left, i told the lady outside that i'm interested in their HR position that was recently posted. I ask my application can be brought over if i failed this. heheheh...... 
for now, there is nothing to do but wait for their reply in 2 weeks time.

Thursday 16 August 2007

poor darling

today is my darling's birthday and i went to moe for interview. he fetch me from moe after work and waited for me at their cafe while i was being interviewed. after that, we went to get movie tickets before heading home. 
the moment we step in, my darling transform into our little maid and started cleaning up the house, sweeping, mopping and washing the bathrooms while i just sit and surf the net. hhehehe..... it was already 5.30pm when he is done with the cleaning. by the time we bathe and get ready to leave for dinner and movie, its already 6pm. so we decided to have some small bites, go for movie (show at 7pm) then dinner at uno after the show. 
so we only had dinner at about 9+pm, by then my poor darling is already starving. at least, we had very nice steak at uno which ended our little celebration for him. :)
he is very poor thing right? its his birthday today, yet he had to do all the cleaning without any grumble.

Saturday 11 August 2007

what is the right move?

i received a call from aunt this morning saying that her neighbour is renting out a room. she ask if i'm willing to let my parents move out of my brother's house. the rent is about $400 per month. 
we sold our flat (under my mum and my name) in toa payoh cos i'm planning for wedding last year. all transaction was done in jan 07. since then, my parents had been living at my brother's place. my brother bought a flat in woodlands for my parents and to rent it out. my parents will had to stay there for 2.5 years before they can apply for rental flat from hdb cos my mum used to be an owner for our previous flat. this is hdb rule. 
i didn't want my parents to stay with me cos darling wants his father to stay with us. which i think its reasonable too, since my fil is alone and darling is the only son. he has to look after him. although he had not shifted in with us, i still insist that my parents can't move in with us. i don't want to face a situation where my fil wants to move in and my parents got to move out. by then everyone will be scolding me for throwing my parents out. 
all these years, i have been the only one taking care of my parents. although i have siblings but none of them want to take care of them. not a single cent from them too. so there is no way to get my sibling to help chip in for the rental. 
with this morning call, i don't know what to do? if we refuse to to pay for the rent and let them move out, we will be label as unfilial. if we were to pay for the rent, its going to be very tight for us. i have been giving them allowance of $450 a month, with the rental, i will have to pay $850 a month. what if we have a baby later, we will need more money.

Monday 6 August 2007


today marks the 2nd anniversary for us, it had been 2 years since we started holding hands. although 2 years is short but the feeling seems to be longer than that. we had decided to go toa payoh and eat at uno yesterday, as usual we change our plan again. we had western food at a coffee shop in serangoon garden. past by there for a few times and that stall is always very crowded. so we decided to go there and give it a try. our verdict, its not as good as uno. 
i got a cd by rod stewart for my darling as present. don't know where he got to hear the song 'for the first time' and he is in love with it now. last week, we went looking around for it but couldn't find it. i manage to get it from the cd shop yesterday when i was at raffles city shopping. so i bought it without telling him. wanted to give him a surprise today but the surprise didn't turn out the way i planned for. 
i was hoping that he will see it when he came back in the afternoon. called me happily to ask where i got it, then played it in the car when he fetch me. in the end, he came and fetch me after work instead. so he only saw it when we reached home. anyway, he is thrill to see it and keep asking me how i manage to get it. as we don't have a radio at home at the moment, he can't play it immediately. heheh..... 
i guess i will have to listen to this song for this week cos he will be playing it non-stop in the car. hmmm... am i sabotaging myself with that cd? hhehehe...... never mind lah, as long as he is happy. i'm happy too.

Sunday 5 August 2007

chan brother fair

we went down to suntec to the chan brothers fair today. we are planning for our year end trip. we queued up to get the queue number to make enquires for free & easy new zealand and was told by the lady that we had to come back tomorrow. we were shocked to hear that and out immediate reaction was, tomorrow still have meh? she told us there were over 300 people (these 300 people were also queuing for new zealand) before us and they won't be able to clear all enquires before they closed for the day. but we can bring the queue number and go down to their office in chinatown tomorrow to get the same promotion. 
however, we did went in and manage to get a brochure on their package. after looking at it, we decided not to go to chan brothers tomorrow. maybe we have to change our destination for year end. maybe some place nearer and cheaper.

Wednesday 1 August 2007


the interview at sgh went quite well just that the job scope is of a lower position compared to what i'm doing now. it also need to cover some reception work which i'm not keen at all. 
i told the interviewer to inform me of their package if they had selected me. i will decided if i want the job then. if i decided to give up their offer, they will keep my record in view for future positions that are coming out next month. 
anyway just wait and see loh, no hurry. :)