Saturday 18 August 2007


i tried to make 算盘子 yesterday. one of the my favourite dish that my mum used to cook for me. the original 算盘子 is make from yam but i'm not a big fan of yam so my mum replace it with potato. from then, we have our own version of potato 算盘子.
in the past, i had always help out when she is making it. yesterday, i 心血来潮 thought of doing it myself. i bought all the ingredients after work at sheng siong. after dinner, i started cooking. the whole preparation process is 1 hour. this dish had become our little supper at about 9pm. of course, my guinea pig for this dish will be my darling. 
the dish just tasted like my mum's cooking. hehehe..... but my darling don't like it. he feels that the potato is tasteless and doesn't go with the rest of the ingredients but still he finished them all. hahah...... maybe in future, i can try to modify the dish a bit so that the potato will have some taste.

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