Tuesday 27 May 2008

diet course

i went for the diet course at kk yesterday. i was diagnose to have gestation diabetes, my ogtt result was 4.6 and 9.6. although i sort of expected it to come cos my mum is diabetic but i still feel very sad when i know i got it. sigh..... 

the diet course was a whole day affair. report there to make necessary payment and draw blood at 8.30am. the course started at 9am together with 4 more mummies. one of them is still at her trimester, so poor thing. one had it for her first baby too, this was her 2nd one. one only got it for this current one which is her 4th baby and another got it for her 3rd together with high blood too. 

we had to prick ourselves to test our blood glucose before breakfast, 2 hours after breakfast, before lunch, 2 hours after lunch, before dinner, 2 hours after dinner (to be done at home) and before supper (to be done at home too), a total of 7 times a day. we had to report our last 2 readings by calling them today. good thing is that we don't have to do this everyday. only need to do for 2 days next week and once a week subsequently. i can't imagine if i have to prick myself 7 times a day daily, i think i will be super depress. 

the whole course ends around 5.30pm. i think i really know how to 'teh' my darling, the moment i saw him, tears start to roll down my cheeks. he was so shocked to see me crying, keep asking me what happen and wiping off the tears for me. he knew i will definitely suffered with this control diet but there is nothing he can do to help. can tell that he is very worried for me and also heart pain but i just can't help it. 

started off today with the new diet routine and plan. i'm still not use to it, still feel hungry before lunch. the teabreaks are suppose to keep me full and prevent me from eating a lot at lunch but i already feel hungry. need to go back to look at my booklet again, maybe i didn't get enough for tea. now need to have breakfast, tea, lunch, tea, dinner and supper everyday, my diet for first trimester.

well, i must hang on to this diet so that i won't suffer later. also for baby, i must endure. jiayou!!!

Saturday 24 May 2008

breast pump

after a long search and wait, i finally got the avent iq isis duo breast pump yesterday. had been searching on different brands of breast pump and trying to get feedback on them. eventually still decided to get the avent breast pump even though its expensive. although meleda is very popular and almost all my friends are using it but what they got is the mini set, not what i wanted given if i get it. i would like to get the pis adv version which will cost around the same as the avent set.

since darling is the one paying for it, i show him both avent iq isis duo and meleda pis adv set during the takashimaya baby's fair in march. without much thinking, he said buy the avent set since we intend to get the milk bottle, steriliser from avent. at the fair, with the explaination from the sale person we decided to get the whole series of the avent iq which includes breast pump, steriliser and food warmer. maybe we are being con by the sale person into believing its the best products and set our mind for it. 

we didn't get it then cos its still very early for us to buy and also don't wish to have the warrenty start running then when we don't use. waiting patiently for all sort of sales to come and went round trying to compare prices. i had come to a conclusion. most places will have a 20% on the steriliser when there is a sale so no hurry in getting. food warmer, its already at a sale price now so the chance of getting it cheaper might not be there so no hurry as well. lastly, its the breast pump most expensive item among them. its at nett price at all places even when they have sale.

i guess my patient paid off. when we were at OG yesterday, i saw the 20% discount sign is up for avent products. so i got hold of one of the staff and get her to check if the discount apply to the breast pump too. the moment her answer is yes, i told her, can you confirm? i will want the set if there is a discount, if not i'm not buying. she bought the set to cashier to confirm the price. and yes, there is a discount. i told darling, we are not going to wait anymore. its very hard to get discount off the breast pump, better grab it now. without any hesitation, we paid for it at the cashier.

i'm so happy with the purchase, the savings on the breast pump can actually paid for the steriliser

Thursday 22 May 2008

8th gynae visit

i went for my ogtt this morning, a test to confirm if i'm having gestation diabetes. fast since yesterday and had my first blood drawn at 9am. then i was given a cup of glucose to drink. the glucose is super sweet like i'm having lots of fruity mentoes. the moment i finished the drink, i had heartburn and almost puke then i keep burping. i was told to come back for the 2nd blood drawn in 2 hours time and no food and drink is allowed during this time.

so we went off to the kopitiam and darling had his coffee and bao. on my way to the toilet, i heard a nurse calling my name outside my gynae's clinic. i was shocked to hear my name being call as my appointment is at 11.15am after my ogtt. so i walk towards her to confirm if its my turn. its indeed my turn.

as usual did a scan gynae told us that baby is actually smiling at us but we still can't really tell. anyway, everything is good and baby is growing well. gynae also commented that baby is active. he keep kicking his legs during the scan.

i'm at 28 weeks now, baby is 1.1kg and my weight is 54.2kg, a total weight gain of 9kg.

while we were there, there is a lady trying to create awareness of cord blood among parents. we were given a phamlet and had a little discussion with her. after that, we had decided to donate baby's cord blood instead of keeping it. cos the percentage of using own's blood cord is very low. if that is the case, why not donate it and it might be able to save another child's life. and if we really do need to use it, we can always get it back if baby's cord blood is still available and matches.

i'm so sad. kk just call me saying that my glucose test result is no good, a bit high. i was asked to go back on mon for a diet course. the dietician will tell us how to eat and what to eat. the course is from 9am - 5pm and cost about $300+. sigh..... 

darling is so worried when he heard this. i just have to consol him that its ok. gestation diabetes will go away after birth. nothing to worry about. although i'm quite worried that it will stay with me, the chances of me getting can be quite high since mummy is diabetic.

Monday 12 May 2008

x-ray eyes

with baby's movement more frequent and strong, i wish i have x-ray eyes to see what is going on inside me. what is baby doing inside. what is he doing now that i have that kind of feeling. its very amazing. whenever i felt some movement, i wonder if it his hand knocking against my tummy. or is it his legs kicking me? is he doing somersault? is he turning his body to sleep more comfortably? there are so many possible things that he is doing but i can only feel and see them. isn't it wonderful to be able to see them just like how we see he moves through the ultrasound.

but at the same time, it can be quite scary too. if i do have x-ray eyes, i will be able to see everyone's tummy. then maybe that can be quite gross too. eeeeeeeeeeeee............ we just don't know what we want.

Friday 2 May 2008

personal seat

finally, we went down to mothercare at harbour front centre and got baby, his own personal seat. we didn't get the britax one that we originally planned for. luckily, we got the staff to try out the car seat in our car to make sure it fits. britax one fits our car but its looks huge and cramp in our little car. so we decided not to get it and look for something else. 

they recommended the concord one to us. its made in germany. in terms of size, its shorter in height but got a wider width. its also much easier to install in the car but heavier. but who cares about the weight, since we are only going to install it once and leave it there till baby out grown it. so that's not our main concern. we also got a protecting mat for our leather seat. with yesterday's purchase, we were given mothercare's membership card.

we got 1 big item settled, more to come later.