Tuesday 27 May 2008

diet course

i went for the diet course at kk yesterday. i was diagnose to have gestation diabetes, my ogtt result was 4.6 and 9.6. although i sort of expected it to come cos my mum is diabetic but i still feel very sad when i know i got it. sigh..... 

the diet course was a whole day affair. report there to make necessary payment and draw blood at 8.30am. the course started at 9am together with 4 more mummies. one of them is still at her trimester, so poor thing. one had it for her first baby too, this was her 2nd one. one only got it for this current one which is her 4th baby and another got it for her 3rd together with high blood too. 

we had to prick ourselves to test our blood glucose before breakfast, 2 hours after breakfast, before lunch, 2 hours after lunch, before dinner, 2 hours after dinner (to be done at home) and before supper (to be done at home too), a total of 7 times a day. we had to report our last 2 readings by calling them today. good thing is that we don't have to do this everyday. only need to do for 2 days next week and once a week subsequently. i can't imagine if i have to prick myself 7 times a day daily, i think i will be super depress. 

the whole course ends around 5.30pm. i think i really know how to 'teh' my darling, the moment i saw him, tears start to roll down my cheeks. he was so shocked to see me crying, keep asking me what happen and wiping off the tears for me. he knew i will definitely suffered with this control diet but there is nothing he can do to help. can tell that he is very worried for me and also heart pain but i just can't help it. 

started off today with the new diet routine and plan. i'm still not use to it, still feel hungry before lunch. the teabreaks are suppose to keep me full and prevent me from eating a lot at lunch but i already feel hungry. need to go back to look at my booklet again, maybe i didn't get enough for tea. now need to have breakfast, tea, lunch, tea, dinner and supper everyday, my diet for first trimester.

well, i must hang on to this diet so that i won't suffer later. also for baby, i must endure. jiayou!!!

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