Thursday 30 October 2008

home alone? no more

darling is away for a 2 day 1 night camp again. the last round when darling go for camp, i'm home alone with yu ze inside me. from today, no more home alone for me. i will have yu ze with me. he is there physically with me. 

since darling is away for camp, he can't send and fetch yu ze from babysitter's place these 2 days. which means, i have to do the job. although the car ride is about 10 - 15 minutes from home but i can't imagine myself lugging my handbag, breast pump bag and carry yu ze all the way to her house. even with taking cab, i don't think i can handle. 

lucky for me, babysitter is very nice. she say she will fetch and send yu ze for me. she came this morning at 6.30am to fetch yu ze and will also send him back tonight. i'm so glad to have her.

Thursday 23 October 2008

mummies gathering

we had a little gathering for some motherhood forum august mummies. we had a buffet lunch at furama hotel, Tiffany CafĂ© & Restaurant. its nice to put faces to our nick. we have been chatting, sharing our happiness, problems and be there to support one another since last year and yet never see each other in person. the gathering was fun and we just talk and eat non-stop. hahahha..... 
 next time, we should try to organise one gathering for all babies to meet too. it will be very cute to see all babies together but logistics wise is going to be a big headache.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

quilt blanklet

yu ze got this quilt blanket from babysitter. its done up by her friend for yu ze. according to her, her friend will make one for all the baby that she had look after so far. i think its nice for her friend to do this. i remember when i was young, i also had something similar. its very nice to use it and i had that till i was in primary school.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

gold milk

my freezer is almost bursting from bottles and bottles of breast milk. good thing is that i can always transport them to babysitter's place when its bursting or about to burst. if babysitter's freezer is bursting too then i can store at father in law's place which i don't think i will have the chance to use. 

darling always feels that there is a lot of breast milk in the freezer and ask me to give more to yu ze. just throw away if he can't finished. just give him more to see if he wants more. i will get upset whenever he said that. yesterday, i told him off. you think there is a lot of breast milk is it? once i stop expressing, these will only last yu ze 10 days. its only 10 days and not 10 months ok? its only then he keep quiet and say softly, it looks like a lot mah. sigh.... man hoh. arghhh....... maths not good is it? can't he just go and count the number of feeds each day and the number of bottles in there.

i know i do spend quite a lot of getting the plastic caps for the bottles but at least i get to recycle them. if i use milk bag isn't it going to cost more since we are freezing feed amount? i'm running out of bottles and need to source for more liao.

Friday 10 October 2008

sotong mommy

this morning, i send yu ze to babysitter's place as i'm down with flu and sore throat. don't want him to be home so that i can rest. give him his morning feed at 6am then let him sleep till 6.30am before i wake him up to send him over.

got him ready, took his medicine from the fridge and off we go. i told babysitter that his last feed is at 6am and left for breakfast. 

first thing i do when i reach home is express milk then head straight to my bed and fall asleep till 11am. still feel a bit tired but have to wake up to express milk. had my lunch and rested a while. 

suddenly remember that i forget to tell babysitter that i feed him medicine this morning. so sotong. quickly call her just now but its too late. she feed him medicine too in the morning. which means he had 2 dose within a short period, maybe 3 hour different. i told her not to give again in the afternoon. hopefully, it won't do any harm to him. blur like sotong leh, how can i forget to tell her. sigh......

Thursday 9 October 2008

yu ze has uti

on fri night, i told darling to make yu ze sleep. i'm not going to make yu ze sleep, he needs to learn how to do it. he can't rely on me to do it everyday. what if i'm not around how? yu ze no need to sleep is it? or is he going to sleep very late. 

so darling try all sort of ways but still fail and yu ze keeps crying. i ignore them until i buay tahan, stand up and carry yu ze over. the moment i carry him, i realise he is very hot. quickly, took out the thermometer to take his temperature. its 38.3 degree. i'm still in pjamas, quickly took his birth cert and rush over to the 24 hours clinic opposite our flat.

i brought yu ze to the clinic to register first while darling park the car. apparently his temperature drop to 37.7 degree at the clinic, so gp say it might not be a fever as baby temperature is always high. told us to monitor, anything more than 38 degree, give him the medicine.

back home, i took his temperature and its drop again. so i was make him to sleep without any medication. i woke him up at 2am for night feed, took temperature and this time its over 38 degrees. i give him some medicine and let him sleep again. almost every 1 to 2 hours, i will wake up to take his temperature. after the medicine, it did went down. to be safe, i give him another dose at 8am on sat. told darling that we are not going for baby massage class liao better not spread the germs to other babies there. 
yu ze is sleepy throughout the day maybe due to the medicine but his temperature is under control. at 5pm, his temperature went up again to 38.6 degree. darling say better bring him to see doc again. i'm still feeding him and told darling to pack his things. after his feed, i change and we brought him to kk. 
his temperature remains high when we reach kk. doc examine him and can't find any infection. we were told that they need to admit him as he is below 3 months old. they will admit baby below 3 months old with fever to monitor. i was sad to hear it but still ok.
when we were doing admission, i started tearing. we were told that only 1 of us can stay with him. at the ward, doc came to see him again and was told that they will collect his urine and blood sample for test. they wants to find out the reason for the fever, suspect its either virus or bacteria infection.
getting ready to bathe
they took yu ze away to take blood and insert a cannula to feed medicine if need to. poor boy got his hand all wrapped up tightly to prevent the cannula from going out of position. good thing is that he is still active as before doesn't behave like a sick baby.  
doc told us that they will start antibiotic for him while waiting for the results which take 48 hours. the earliest yu ze can go home is on tues. despite being told that only 1 of us can stay, both of us stay throughout his stay with him. first night, both of us squeeze on the single folding bed provided. second night onwards, i sleep with yu ze in his little cot. his little cot is quite big and the length fits me nicely. hahahh..... maybe i'm too short. 
yu ze's appetite is no good during the stay. it should be due to the medication. doc says as long as he is drinking more than half of his usual, its fine. i mention earlier that he ha hernia right. during the stay, a surgeon came to see him and confirm that its not a hernia, its hydrocele. no need treatment at the moment, just monitoring. usually it will go away by 2 years old. if not, then need to do a little op then.
result on his urine and blood test is out on tues. he had got uti. uti is very rare in boys but do happen. his fever is down since sun so he is allow to discharge but need to continue with antibiotic and be back for scans and checks.

Monday 6 October 2008

yu ze - 2 months

my little baby is 2 months old. for the past 1 month, he needs mummy to rock him to sleep and also mummy to be his mattress. only when he is sound asleep then can transfer him from the mummy mattress to mummy's bed. he wants no one except mummy when he is sleepy. daddy trys his best, follow mummy's pattern also can't put him to sleep. he only wants me. baby cannot be so choosy ok. sometimes must let daddy to help put you to sleep, ok. he also starts to reject bottle and only wants to latch. maybe he thinks he is old enough to choose what he wants liao but no baby. you don't have an option. when mummy give you milk in bottle you just have to drink from the bottle. no fighting with me and cry for latching, ok. don't start developing all the bad habits hoh.