Thursday 9 October 2008

yu ze has uti

on fri night, i told darling to make yu ze sleep. i'm not going to make yu ze sleep, he needs to learn how to do it. he can't rely on me to do it everyday. what if i'm not around how? yu ze no need to sleep is it? or is he going to sleep very late. 

so darling try all sort of ways but still fail and yu ze keeps crying. i ignore them until i buay tahan, stand up and carry yu ze over. the moment i carry him, i realise he is very hot. quickly, took out the thermometer to take his temperature. its 38.3 degree. i'm still in pjamas, quickly took his birth cert and rush over to the 24 hours clinic opposite our flat.

i brought yu ze to the clinic to register first while darling park the car. apparently his temperature drop to 37.7 degree at the clinic, so gp say it might not be a fever as baby temperature is always high. told us to monitor, anything more than 38 degree, give him the medicine.

back home, i took his temperature and its drop again. so i was make him to sleep without any medication. i woke him up at 2am for night feed, took temperature and this time its over 38 degrees. i give him some medicine and let him sleep again. almost every 1 to 2 hours, i will wake up to take his temperature. after the medicine, it did went down. to be safe, i give him another dose at 8am on sat. told darling that we are not going for baby massage class liao better not spread the germs to other babies there. 
yu ze is sleepy throughout the day maybe due to the medicine but his temperature is under control. at 5pm, his temperature went up again to 38.6 degree. darling say better bring him to see doc again. i'm still feeding him and told darling to pack his things. after his feed, i change and we brought him to kk. 
his temperature remains high when we reach kk. doc examine him and can't find any infection. we were told that they need to admit him as he is below 3 months old. they will admit baby below 3 months old with fever to monitor. i was sad to hear it but still ok.
when we were doing admission, i started tearing. we were told that only 1 of us can stay with him. at the ward, doc came to see him again and was told that they will collect his urine and blood sample for test. they wants to find out the reason for the fever, suspect its either virus or bacteria infection.
getting ready to bathe
they took yu ze away to take blood and insert a cannula to feed medicine if need to. poor boy got his hand all wrapped up tightly to prevent the cannula from going out of position. good thing is that he is still active as before doesn't behave like a sick baby.  
doc told us that they will start antibiotic for him while waiting for the results which take 48 hours. the earliest yu ze can go home is on tues. despite being told that only 1 of us can stay, both of us stay throughout his stay with him. first night, both of us squeeze on the single folding bed provided. second night onwards, i sleep with yu ze in his little cot. his little cot is quite big and the length fits me nicely. hahahh..... maybe i'm too short. 
yu ze's appetite is no good during the stay. it should be due to the medication. doc says as long as he is drinking more than half of his usual, its fine. i mention earlier that he ha hernia right. during the stay, a surgeon came to see him and confirm that its not a hernia, its hydrocele. no need treatment at the moment, just monitoring. usually it will go away by 2 years old. if not, then need to do a little op then.
result on his urine and blood test is out on tues. he had got uti. uti is very rare in boys but do happen. his fever is down since sun so he is allow to discharge but need to continue with antibiotic and be back for scans and checks.

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