Sunday 29 March 2009

moo moo....

in early feb this year, i blog about how desperate i was to get a chest freezer to store breast milk. i thought my storage problem for breast milk will be solved with the chest freezer that we bought. i'm wrong.

my chest freezer is already full with breast milk liao. i started to store in my own fridge again and 1 layer of it is already full. hopefully, i don't have to start using father in law's fridge soon. currently, breast milk are stored at 3 places - babysitter's place, my chest freezer and my fridge.

i need my one and only loyal customer to increase his intake in milk or i will run into storage problem again soon.

Saturday 28 March 2009


whenever we put him on the high chair he will sit like a gangster. he will sit with 1 leg up on the chair.

Friday 6 March 2009

yu ze - 7 months

my little baobei is 7 months old liao. time just fly pass like that without me knowing. really wonder where did all the time went to? 
my baobei is able to do these now:
  • 'crawl' at faster speed. his way of crawling is put his left knees on the ground and walk a step with right leg, then move his left knees forward again and walk with right leg.
  • stand up in his cot by holding on to the side bar. he will try to stand up whenever he can grab hold of something to pull himself up. there is once, he actually manage to stand up without any support on his own at babysitter's place. he gives babysitter a shock when she saw it. he didn't stand there for long, sit down quite quickly and was laughing happily when he sit down. its like he is so proud of himself that he is able to stand up without support. i have yet to witness this myself.
  • make different sound and pitches with his voice. i think he is quite amaze that he is able to do that.
  • 2 little pearly had made their way out of his lower gums.
  • put his 2 thumbs together and start to move his hand, this is his action of telling us he wants to listen to the song 'incy wincy spider'.
  • do the action of 'pull' and 'push'. he enjoy sitting in the kitchen and start pushing and pulling his bath tub on the floor.

Monday 2 March 2009

a teary day

today, we have to bring yu ze to kk to do his urine reflux scan. the doc needs to put a colour dye in him through his little penis to his bladder and then fill up his bladder through a tube. after which, they will try to make him pee so that they can scan and see the flow of his urine. the colour dye is to stain the urine so that the flow of it can be seen through the scan. he needs to do this cos he had UTI when he was 2 months old. this is a follow up of it. he did his kidney scan in dec and everything is ok so next step is this reflux scan.

we are not allowed in the room while they do the insertion of dye in him. i'm only allowed to go in to be with him after the insertion and he was tie to the scan machine. i said tie cos he was securely wrapped up to the machine which send yu ze screaming on top of his voice. he is screaming more than he is crying. seeing him like that make me cry too. he is so poor thing. i can only stand there and hold on to his little hand. even that doesn't really help to make him feel better cos he simply couldn't move. yu ze hates to be restricted so to him this is a real torture.

once the scan is over and he was release from the machine. i quickly carry and hug him. the moment he is in my hand, he stopped crying after a few seconds. my poor baby, so heart pain to see him cry like that. i came out of the room with yu ze in my arms and tears in my eyes. this scene give darling a shock, he keep asking me what happen. is baby ok? i hug yu ze tightly and try to control my tears. after a while, i manage to calm down and tell darling yu ze is ok.

the report of this scan will only be out on 17 march but a quick look at it, the doc in there say he should be fine. nothing to worry about. hopefully by then, we can stop his antibiotic which he had been taken for 5 months.

Sunday 1 March 2009

9 days difference

do we look like we are only 9 days old difference? (yu ze really look smelly old in this photo, no baby look at all)

this afternoon, i brought yu ze to my aunt's place to visit his little cousin, shi zhe. shi zhe is 9 days younger then yu ze. this is the first meeting for both of them and even for us (my cousin and me seeing each other's baby). we couldn't visit each then. she was hospitalise for pre-term contraction when i was due and not long after she delivered and i was doing confinement. so the meeting drag till now. shi zhe is a pre-term baby but he is growing very well.

we put them side by side to take photo but yu ze keep crawling away so we have to put yu ze in front of shi zhe to take this photo. cos yu ze cry very loudly when we put shi zhe in front of him. hahahah..... maybe shi zhi is blocking yu ze's view so he don't like it.