Sunday 1 March 2009

9 days difference

do we look like we are only 9 days old difference? (yu ze really look smelly old in this photo, no baby look at all)

this afternoon, i brought yu ze to my aunt's place to visit his little cousin, shi zhe. shi zhe is 9 days younger then yu ze. this is the first meeting for both of them and even for us (my cousin and me seeing each other's baby). we couldn't visit each then. she was hospitalise for pre-term contraction when i was due and not long after she delivered and i was doing confinement. so the meeting drag till now. shi zhe is a pre-term baby but he is growing very well.

we put them side by side to take photo but yu ze keep crawling away so we have to put yu ze in front of shi zhe to take this photo. cos yu ze cry very loudly when we put shi zhe in front of him. hahahah..... maybe shi zhi is blocking yu ze's view so he don't like it.

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