Tuesday 13 October 2009

big balugu

yu ze had his first balugu in his 14 months of life today. according to babysitter, he was 'running' round the house. he make a quick turn and knock into the wall. surprisingly, he didn't cry at all after the knock. its just like nothing had happen. hopefully, his balugu will go down soon.

Monday 12 October 2009

first trimester scan

today, i went to ttsh for my physio then head straight down to kk for my first trimester scan. reach there and waited for about 30 minutes before its my turn.

baby is very active. he/she keeps on moving and was touching his/her face during the scan. spend some time in the scanning to get all the measurement. this time, i can get the result immediately after the scan cos i did the blood test at 9 weeks+. no longer needed to wait for the next gynae visit the get the result.

result is glow risk, 1:10658. result is not as good as yu ze's, 1:13113. i think age does matter in this. anyway, as long as its low risk that is good enough to know.

my ms is getting slightly better so i thought i would have gain some weight back. to my surprise, i didn't and lost some weight. i'm at 44.6kg now.

the next visit to see baby will be in another month. its going to be a long wait.

Sunday 11 October 2009

fruitful shopping

i had been having ms and feeling tired that we spent most of our weekends at home. finally we went out today. we had dim sum as breakfast at xin fu restaurant. yu ze had his share too and enjoying it a lot.
then we headed down to takashimaya cos i'm meeting a forum mummy to shop there as she is a member and will have an additional 15% discount on purchases. 
i wanted to get a thermal cooker, preparing to cook dinner for yu ze when he goes to childcare next year. heard that with a thermal it will save money in terms of gas and electricity. we just need to cook over the stove for 20-30 minutes then transfer the pot into thermal cooker and leave it inside for 5-6 hours without electricity or gas, it will auto cook the food further and still remains hot after 10 hours. i invested in a 6 litre tiger thermal cooker that cost $299 before discount. $299 is already a sale price and there is also a free gift of endo 1.5 litre thermal cooker. 
since got discount i must also stock up on avent teats and bottles lah, 20% + 15% is a lot of savings leh. i also stock up on the lo hang ka bird nest. we bought 8 bottles and enjoy a 15% + 15% discount for it. thought total damage is about 1.2k, we did had a saving of almost $400 loh. hehehe.....

Tuesday 6 October 2009

yu ze - 14 months

standing on the sofa
today, my little darling is 14 months old liao. last month, i was saying that he started to walk with our assistance. now, he no longer need us to hold him to walk. he is able to stand up without support on his own too. now that he is more stable in walking, he actually tries to run instead of walking.

if he can't reach things he want, he will hold your hand and bring you to them and point out to you to give it to him. if he don't get it, he will start throwing temper. very bad temper boy. must start to discipline him liao, can't always give in to him.

he will shake his head to tell you he don't want. look up and point to the sky when you ask him where is the bird? know how to do the don't have hand sign. finally able to do the flying kisses but its still not consistent.

his favourite toy now is mummy's wallet. he will explore my wallet and remove everything from inside. he always ransack my bag for my wallet.

now he also started to have a bad habit. he will spit out his food. it could be the first few mouth of the feed or during the feed. don't know he don't want to eat or he is full liao. hopefully, this is just a passing phase.

he also started to cry when someone go out without him. he will be crying badly for that person to carry to bring him out but once that person is out of sight, he stop crying liao. we say he very drama.

he still haven't call papa and ma ma yet. he talks a lot of baby language that we can't really make it out. we can't wait for him to call us.

Monday 5 October 2009

mc again...

i thought this week will be better than last week. i'm supposed to be back at work today. i took a bus to office and had my breakfast before going up. i didn't even have the chance to on my pc, i rush down to kk again. i realise i was bleeding again. the amount is the same as the previous time. the only difference is that i didn't get to start work and had to leave liao. sms my bosses and darling while i'm on my way to kk.

i registered myself and waited to be seen. i had a scan and was told baby is ok. i'm at 11 weeks + so baby is quite safe now. however, to be more kiasu. the doc decided to give me a jab to further stabilise the pregnancy. i was given 3 days of mc to rest at home.

after that we went to the wang's cafe in kk to get a drink. saw my gynae there and told him about my bleeding. he told me not to worry and if i need more mc just call him. i seriously hope that i don't need more mc cos of any more bleeding.