Wednesday 30 June 2010

yu xi's jab

yu xi had an appointment at kk yesterday. since i lost my wallet, i'm only left with $10 in my pocket. i search the house and manage to find another $5. so in total, i had $15 to take cab to kk and darling will meet us there so i don't have to worry about paying the consultation fees and jab cost.

yu xi weighs 4.68kg and 57cm tall at 11 weeks. she is at the 50 percentile. we think she is going to be taller then yu ze. yu ze was only 59.5cm tall when he was 4 months old. she had her first 6 in1 and rotavirus. everyone still mistaken her as a 'he' with her hairstyle.

mummy must diligently put hair band for her whenever we go out liao.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

suay... me or robber?

i don't know if i should consider today a suay day or not a so suay day. anyway, i brought yu xi along with me to see gp to get clearance for my hfmd. after that, we went to market to buy some food to cook for myself. my pouch was stolen and i didn't know till i want to take out some coins to buy chrysanthemum tea at ztp. i was shocked to find out my pouch (my wallet is inside) is missing cos i hang it on my stroller together with the diaper pouch. the diaper pouch is still there except my pouch. i walked back to market hoping to find it though i know there is no hope. nevertheless, i still make my way back to the market. well, as expected couldn't find it.

then i decide to walk to the neighbourhood police post to make a report before heading home. i got another shock. the neighbourhood police post only operates from 12 noon. i got no choice but to go home first.

usually i will put my home keys is inside the pouch but today i choose to put it inside the diaper pouch. i took out all the cash from my wallet and put in my pocket after breakfast before heading to market, thinking its easier for me to pay money when i make purchases later. hp is all along in my pocket. so maybe i should consider myself lucky since i still have my hp and house keys with me. if not, i won't be able to go home liao. my lost is not very big too since there is no money except some coins inside my wallet.

first thing i do when i reach home is to call ocbc and posb to report on my lost cards. darling told me my ic is actually with him and not inside my wallet. that save me the trouble of having my ic replace and the replacement charges.

so from this incident, who is more suay. me or that robber?

Saturday 26 June 2010

hfmd confirmed

its confirmed. i really got hfmd. i found more spots coming out on my soles and there is 1 ulcer on my tongue. i went to another gp to check. its confirm and was given mc for monday and tuesday. he say i might have already gotten it on tues when i had fever. therefore by tues, i should be able to clear.
there is no need for me to be separated from my babies as they had been expose to hfmd liao. no point separating them from me. since its confirm, i have been feeding yu xi fresh breast milk instead of frozen breast milk. want her to have the antibodies for hfmd. maybe cos she had been taking fresh breast milk since she was admitted, she is safe from hfmd though i have been in close contact with her. will let her continue to have fresh breast milk till i cleared off hfmd.

Friday 25 June 2010


my fingers had little red spots on them. it does feel painful whenever i close my hand or try to screw the bottle cap. it make me wonder if i'm having hfmd cos my colleague's girl confirm her hfmd on wed.

however, other then those spots there is nothing else to prove that i'm having hfmd. i went to gp to check but he clear me and say its not. give a cream to apply and a day mc to rest at home. he told me to go back if there are more signs of hfmd such as ulcer in my mouth. hmmmm..... are they really hfmd signs?

Thursday 24 June 2010


yeah!!! we can go home liao. yu xi is able to be discharge today. she cleared her blood and urine test. her fever also didn't come back since she is in the ward. since she is well we are told that we can be go home by 1pm. so happy that we can go back cos i missed yu ze. had not see him for 2 days since i stay in with yu xi.

Tuesday 22 June 2010


darling works late today and so babysitter send yu xi back to me instead we go and fetch her. yu xi came back at 730pm and i quickly put her to bed. 8pm, its yu ze's turn to sleep. as i'm not feeling well, i let yu ze sleep with me in my room. so that i can rest while he toss and turn before falling asleep by 9pm. i fall asleep with yu ze while putting him to bed. i woke up at 10pm to pump and also feed yu xi.

after feeding her, i felt that she is quite warm. as i'm having fever i thought i'm just imaginating. i took her temperature twice and both reflected as 37.9. i sms darling to inform him that yu xi is having a fever. while waiting for him to come back, i quickly pack my bag and also pasted the cool pad on her head.

darling called my sil to send us to kk while he stay at home with yu ze. yu xi's temperature went up to 38.6 when we were at kk. she was seen by a doc almost immediately and was told to admit her since she is below 3 months old. its better to admit her to monitor what causes the fever.

i stayed in with her. her fever came down when we were in the ward. it never return since then. they took her blood and urine sample to test.

Saturday 19 June 2010


yu ze with his shopping bag
yu ze joining in the great singapore sale (gss). we were out shopping at compasspoint cos yu ze nap till 4pm and we didn't want to travel too far. yu ze loves gai gai. he will browse through the racks of clothes like an adult. anything he like he will point at it and then point to himself meaning buy for him. of course, we don't buy whatever he request. if i'm buying clothes for him, i will show him 2 pcs and let him choose what he likes.

he wants to take the item to the cashier and give it to the staff for payment. then he will want to carry his own shopping bag. even if the item is not for him, he too will want to carry the bag.

Friday 18 June 2010

father's day gift

yu ze came back home with his father's day gift today. i was working late so didn't get to see so no photo of it. all i saw was an empty plastic container with the cupcake wrapper inside. i still scold darling for not throwing that container away and leave it lying around. it was then i know that container was actually a father's day gift. according to darling, it was a little cupcake inside a small plastic container. on top of that container was a heart shape thing with happy father's day wordings.

however, darling didn't get to eat that little cupcake. yu ze came back and show darling that the cupcake. he said to darling, 'o-pen'. once darling open up the container, yu ze quickly took the cupcake and happily eating away. though it was meant as a father's day gift, it ended up inside yu ze's tummy. hahaha.....

darling say that cupcake wouldn't be made by yu ze. it should be the works of his teachers. i told him yu ze will sure have some share in the making. be it helping to put the ingredients or stirring them together or even putting it in the container. any small part is better than nothing. he should be happy with it. afterall, its his first father's day gift from yu ze.

Monday 14 June 2010

back from maternity leave

i'm back at work today. didn't take the full 16 weeks of maternity leave at one go. will clear them slowly till the end of the year.

as usual, first day back at work feeling very lost. don't know what's happening and where should i start. i brought my pump along and will leave it in office. no more transporting my pump around, i just need to bring my cooler bag and pump parts daily.

hopefully, i can get back to the working momentum asap. everyone in the office was commenting on how come i can get back to shape so fast. :P

Tuesday 8 June 2010

parent teacher meeting

yu ze had another round of parent teacher meeting today. this time, its a one to one session with his teachers. his teacher also show us his portfolio.

his teacher commented that he is territorial which also means he is very niao lah. he doesn't like his friends to cross his area. he is also very playful. he likes to disturb his friends by snatching a piece of their puzzle away and see their reactions. in doing this, he is hoping that they will come and catch him but he don't understand that his friends doesn't like it.

he likes art and craft but not colouring. his favourite is definitely outdoor time. he being very adventurous, he will wander off to the bigger playground instead of staying at their own playground when the teachers are not looking. his teachers will always have to keep an eye on him to prevent him from wandering off. hahaha....

in the beginning, he is like in his own world don't know what is going on in class and doesn't know how to join. so he will be moving around in class while the rest are listening to story. now, he will join the class in their activities. of course, his speech had pick up a lot too. we are able to understand what he wants more. very pleased with his progress. :)

Friday 4 June 2010


i had a whole day training from 9-5.30pm so yu xi was at home with hubby. as usual, we send yu ze to cc before hubby send me to course. since yu xi is under his care, i didn't pack her bag (diaper, fm) in the morning loh. i only pack my breast pump, yu ze's bag and off we go. after dropping yu ze, hubby say yu xi cry cos she wants milk and ask why i didn't bring her bag. i buay song liao, told him off. since she is under his care for the day, he is responsible to pack her bag not me. i wouldn't know his plan for the day and how much to pack. so we went home to get her bag but my girl hoh, not hungry lah. she just sleep all the way loh. so going home is a wasted trip. then he send me for course and make it just in time. got my colleague to buy me breakfast and drink to eat during course as i'm super hungry loh.

i planned to stay out late and be home after 8pm, let hubby handle the 2 babies. want hubby to know its not easy to handle 2 babies alone and don't think i super relax at home. however, the course ended by 3pm. so i got more time for shopping. in the end, i still reach home around 620pm as its heavy to carry my breast pump and walk around.

i saw that yu ze had bathe when i reach home, thinking that he had dinner liao. no loh, no dinner at all. i ask why no dinner, why didn't tabao? he say he can't bring 2 out to buy. he can't carry yu ze and push stroller with yu xi at the same time. stupid loh. why i can do that and he can't? i'm stronger than him meh? since i'm back, he wants to bring yu ze down to buy dinner but yu ze want me to go. end up all 4 of us went out to eat dinner. i think hormones play a part too, i start tearing as i walk out of the house.

after dinner, i just stay in room to pump for the longest time. i'm so engorge cos last pump was about 7/8 hours ago. i leave him to make the 2 babies sleep. yu xi cry in the room and yu ze is still walking around at 815pm. finally he decides to make milk for yu ze and get him to sleep. so i just pretend to continue pumping loh that's why can't help mah. he just walk in and out of yu xi and yu ze's room. into yu xi's room whenever she cry cos pacifier drop. in this way, he can never get yu ze to sleep. so yu ze continue to walk around and finally fuss cos hubby keep going to yu xi.

yu ze say he wants something that darling don't understand, so he become cranky. i have to stop pretending and handle yu ze. actually, i also don't know what he say but best thing to do when he is like that is to carry him then he will stop. i carry him for a while then put him in bed to read books, drink milk and sleep by 9pm. darling continue to stay with yu xi.

why can't he handle the 2 of them for a few hours? if he can't handle, what makes him think that i can? i'm not a super mummy leh.