Wednesday 29 May 2013

leave the car behind

as usual, i have to pick up the kids from school. before i head out to pick them, i went to pack their sushi dinner. upon reaching the carpark, i have this feeling of cramp is coming to get me on my right leg. as i drove out, i just keep thinking to myself, i'm not so suay, i will be able to survive the drive to school and home with the kids.
however, as i drive i don't feel as confident. i turn out at toa payoh and parked below jiali's flat. called her down and chit chat a while hoping that the feeling will go away. decided to continue with my journey at 6pm. but, the feeling come back very fast., i have to re-park my car again. called darling and tell him about it. decide to leave the car at jiali's place while i take cab to fetch the kids. he will come and pick up the car later.
yu xi started crying the moment she saw me and say in her sobbing voice, mommy you are too slow. yah yah, i'm very late in picking them today. when i told them to hurry up cos uncle taxi is waiting. they keep asking me what happen to the car. i just have to tell them papa took the car and so we have to take cab. 
the feeling of cramp didn't go away at all and if 'spread' towards the toes. after bathing, i put on my socks to keep my feet warm. maybe its the air con that causes this cramp feeling. i must try to bear with the heat and not to sleep in air con room too often.

Sunday 26 May 2013

arts garden

we are here for our yearly event, visit to the arts garden. we are much earlier this year and didn't wait till its almost over before we visit it. yu ze is able to participate in the activities better (better as in not anyhow do). as usual he had enjoyed his visits.
happy with his drawing
mei mei was having a fever so she was a bit grouchy especially after having a fall at the rainbow bridge. she did participate in the activities too though its in the anyhow do manner. maybe next year she will enjoy it better.
throwing game

Friday 17 May 2013


today, the kids join me in the making of cornflakes. they have fun mixing and placing the cornflakes in the paper cups. they took bits and pieces of it while pouring it into the cups. its good bonding too.

30g butter
3 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
120g corn flakes
thousands and millions as toppings

1. melt butter and honey over low heat until slightly thick. Remove from fire and add essence

2. mix the remaining ingredient to honey mixture. Mix well.

3. scoop mixture into paper cups n bake at 150deg for 10 minutes. rotate the tray in between.

4. allow to cool before keeping in air tight containers

Monday 13 May 2013

mother's day

i asked both of them on last friday if they have presents for me. they looked at me and say no, no present. i was a bit disappointed, why no mother's day present for me this year. though i know they are going to celebrate it today (a day after mother's day).
i dropped them off at school and i went for breakfast before coming back for the celebration. since celebration time is the same in class, i went to yu ze's class upon teacher's request. we are supposed to help dress up 2 mommy of the class using recycle materials. we were given 30 minutes to dress the mommy up before they 'catwalk' in the hall later with other mommies from other classes.
the kids are brought to the hall to watch all the lovely mommies in their lovely dress and do their catwalk. the kids also presented to their mommies the mother's day gift they made before they returned to their class. i almost tear when they handled me the gift.

from yu ze
the most dreadful moment comes when all the mommies have to leave for work or home. the kids will start crying especially the younger ones and some older ones like yu ze. mei mei only started crying when she reached her classroom door. its only then she realised that she is not going back with me but back to class. hahaha..... she is always very slow in this aspect. i have no choice but to leave both of them with teacher and walk off without turning back.

Monday 6 May 2013

bye bye 2214, hello 5140

bye bye, 2214. we collected the new car today. we picked up the kids from childcare then proceed to exchange for the new car. on the way there, we told the kids that we are going to give papa's car away for another car. yu ze was making noise, saying he don't want the red car. he wants the white vroom vroom car. the red car is not a vroom vroom car. yu xi says she she don't want, she want this car. she wants papa car and started crying badly. sigh.... can faint right? have new car still wants to make so much noise.
they are still a bit unhappy when we reach. however, they changed immediately when they saw the new car. as the car approach us by reversing in, I realize that there is only one reverse light. I ask the dealer why? light spoilt. he told us could be fuse blow and suggest we change at their nearby workshop when we drive out.
the kids were super excited over the new car. touching almost everything inside the car. while we transfer our things out from our vios to golf then we realized we have lots of rubbish in the car.
its time to get use to the new car and re-learn all about the different functions and buttons.

Sunday 5 May 2013

obit picnic

we bought a picnic mat from ikea yesterday. they were so excited over the mat and have been sitting on it and carrying it around the house. out of a sudden, yu ze comes to me and say, mommy, we forget to go picnic. we must go picnic. I was in a shock but I had also agreed to his request. so in a super fast speed, we just packed 2 slices of bread with nutella, 1 plain slice of bread, pocky, 2 small packs of chocolate biscuit and corn snack that huizhen gave us in the morning.

in our mind, we were thinking of bringing them to bishan park for picnic and we can also buy a bit of macdonald as dinner. who knows, my obit son wanted to have his picnic near the playground. he don't want to sit car to go other places for picnic. he lead us to the playground below our block and laid the mat between the playground and the car park. he told us, we can picnic there as the floor is only a little bit wet.

I almost fainted when he show me where our picnic was going to be. however, we still join in the fun and had our most obit picnic. we sit on the mat, take out our food and start feasting. 3 blocks of residents had seen the most obit family having picnic at the most obit place. though its just a short 30 minutes picnic, the kids enjoyed it.

no matter how obit it may seen to be, their laughter is more than enough to get rid of the obit-ness of it.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

2 months had gone

2 months had passed since we changed yu ze's violin teacher to wei han. i'm so glad that we had make the right move. within these 2 months, he had learnt quite a number of new things. he has enjoyed the class pretty much too.
he had learnt:
  • the 4 basic parts of violin (chin rest, bridge, finger board and scroll)
  • the 2 parts on the bow (tip and frog)
  • how to play on a and e string
  • how to play a (1, 2, 3) and e (1, 2, 3)
  • what is crochet and minim and how many counts they have
  • where does a and e 'sits' on the score
  • how to play twinkle twinkle little stars (finally)
occassionally, he will still ask for the 'blue teacher' (anthony). he will say he like both 'black and blue teacher'.