Wednesday 1 May 2013

2 months had gone

2 months had passed since we changed yu ze's violin teacher to wei han. i'm so glad that we had make the right move. within these 2 months, he had learnt quite a number of new things. he has enjoyed the class pretty much too.
he had learnt:
  • the 4 basic parts of violin (chin rest, bridge, finger board and scroll)
  • the 2 parts on the bow (tip and frog)
  • how to play on a and e string
  • how to play a (1, 2, 3) and e (1, 2, 3)
  • what is crochet and minim and how many counts they have
  • where does a and e 'sits' on the score
  • how to play twinkle twinkle little stars (finally)
occassionally, he will still ask for the 'blue teacher' (anthony). he will say he like both 'black and blue teacher'.

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