Thursday 22 August 2013

following mommy to work

i hardly work late or required to work late. recently, we were rushing for a tender so i have to come back to work even on my leave. so i have no choice but to bring the 2 along with me to work. armed with 2 dvds, new thomas capsules toys and off we go.
i brought them to collect our taobao stuff from aileen, then headed to soo kee to pass andrina's her stuff and headed back to office. we had our lunch at mac before we go up. so at mac, i bought them happy meal and so they have another toy each.
i'm so glad that they manage to self entertain themselves for a good 5 hours without having to take out the tablet for them to play. darling is suppose to pick them up around 3pm+ after work. however, he had forgotten about them till i called him at 5pm+. he reached at 6pm+ to pick them up to go back to his school for a while before heading home.
on the way home, the 2 cried cos papa never bring them to come and fetch mommy. hahaha..... yu ze didn't sleep when i reached home at around 10pm. he told me he don't want to go to school. he wants to follow me to work. is it enjoying himself with me or he chao keng, wants to skip school.

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