Sunday 4 August 2013

snowskin mooncake

recipe for snow skin mooncake

(makes 12 mini mooncakes)

75g cooked glutinous rice flour
50g icing sugar
25g shortening,
90ml cold water
¼ teaspoon vanilla


1. Mix white lotus paste with melon seeds. Divide the paste into 30g portions and shape into balls. Set aside. (Note: I used a ratio of 40% dough to 60% filling)

2. Sieve together cooked glutinous rice flour and icing sugar into a mixing bowl. 

3. Rub the shortening into the flour mixture with fingertips until a crumbly mixture forms.

4. Add cold water to the mixture and knead for a couple of minutes to form a soft dough. Do not over work the dough.

5. Leave dough in the fridge for about 15 mins.

6. Divide dough into 20g pieces. Shape each dough into a ball. For each dough, flatten to form a small disc and roll it out into 3mm-thick circle or about 5cm in diameter.

7. Wrap the dough skin around the filling and shape it into a ball. Seal the seams.

8. Dust mooncake moulds (diameter 4cm, for 50g mooncake) with cooked glutinous rice flour. Place the wrapped dough into the mould and press the mooncake out. Make sure the surface of the dough in contact with the patterned-face of the mould is smooth.

9. Store mooncakes in fridge.

* Strawberry flavour - replace cold water with same amount of strawberry flavoured milk, add 1~2 drops of red food colouring (as desired).
** Mango flavour - replace cold water with same amount of mango juice, add 1 teaspoon of mango flavour (as desired).
*** Matcha flavour - replace cold water with: mix 1 teaspoon of matcha powder with 90ml of hot water. Leave to cool and then chill in fridge for at least 30mins before using.

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