Sunday 30 September 2007


i went to my colleague's place to learn how to make 饺子. its was a fun session. cutting up the vegetables, mixing with minced meat, preparing the dough. we finished preparing and making within 2 hours. 
after the session, i realised i had a little blister on my index finger. i keep thinking what had cause it? finally, i remember the cause could be the knife that i hold when i was cutting the vegetables. when i show my darling my finger, he was shocked. he said that i'm make of tofu. heheh. 
i told him good loh, then i better stay at home and be tai tai.

Saturday 29 September 2007

medical report

we went back to kkh to pick up my pre-conception test report today. everything is ok and normal for me. i'm had the necessary immunity that i should have except for hep b. as in whether i want a vaccination, its optional since i'm tested to be negative. but darling said he might be a carrier for hep b and so he will go for a blood test. if he is a carrier then i will go for a vaccination.
after 2 visits to kkh's private suite, we quite like the place and their service is quite fast too. the environment is very classy, doesn't feel like a hospital or clinic. therefore, darling suggests that we will go back there if i'm pregnant. i wonder if the charges will be high.

Friday 28 September 2007

so angry

i'm so super angry today. we have a group of people from various locations and hq coming to use our classroom for meeting. they had already book the rooms with me as i'm in charge of room booking.
instead of using the rooms that i had allocated for them which is room 2, 4, 7 and meeting room. they change to the big room (room 5 & 6, there is a partition wall that can be open to be a big room) without asking me. they asked someone who is not in charge, she didn't even check the room booking chart that is outside the room and simply says nobody use in the morning cos its empty and they shifted out of meeting room into room 5. . i start to boil when i know about this. not because they didn't ask me but we have exam for over 50 students in the afternoon in room 5 & 6. 
with them using room 5, i will have to spilt the group into 2 rooms to hold the exam. it will also means that i will need 2 invigilators instead of 1. so i scolded a ops manager and a senior manager saying that why they allow this to happen. they should tell our big boss that we need the room for exam in the afternoon. i believe she will understand if they tell her so. they say never mind, since she is already in there, don't get her out. then ask me to help do invigilation. 
with them messing up my room booking this morning, i end up with no rooms for exam. then i walked into room 2 with a super smelly face and tell the people in there to shift to room 6 so that i can use room 1 and 2 for exam. 
this is so ridiculous, if they are not going to use that is allocated for them in the first place, then why bother to book rooms. this is a school and not a meeting place. the classrooms are meant for classes and not meeting. isn't the students our priority? what if we are having classes in the afternoon instead of exam? does it means that we need to engage another lecturer? 
sigh.... i think i have said enough. it may seem very confusing but i just need to let it out. after what happen, i'm actually glad that i will be out soon.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

sms from boss

today my boss came back with a guest. i didn't get to talk to her, just saw her walking around. she left with the guest after a short while. i just received her sms and i cried after reading it. 
boss: 'when i see you, then i realised how much i miss you'. 
me: 'hehe.... i know. i told darling that i feel so lost on sun. yesterday when i came in, i really feel lost. you are so bad, make me cry.  
my tears just keep rolling down, i can't stop it. i do miss her too. i know this is part of life, i guess we need time to get over it.

Monday 24 September 2007


as usual, i left a document on my boss's table for her to sign. but suddenly, my action feel so wrong. she is transfer to hq liao, she won't be coming back.
i feel so lost. in the past, when she is away for long overseas trip. i also never had this kind of feeling maybe i know she will be back. today is the first day that she is away and i already feel so lost. coming in to the office knowing that she won't be around liao just feel so odd. suddenly i don't know 
  • who am i reporting to
  • who do i go to when i need help
  • who to sign all the documents

this is the first time i feel so lost in this company. there is no instruction from the top. everything is just left hanging in the air.

Saturday 22 September 2007

scary encounter

we were out today with the idea of changing darling's hp and down grading his plan since he don't need to chat with me on the hp now. so can down grade to a lower plan liao. when we reach the singtel shop then we realise that he can only change his phone today but can't down grade. if we want to down grade will have to wait till dec. since we can't change the phone, we decided to go home. 
in the car for about 5 minutes, i saw a cockroach crawling at the dash cover part where i'm seated. i shouted out very loudly for my darling's attention. he was shocked to see the cockroach and he quickly stop the car in a small lane. i jump off the car immediately and leave my darling inside, killing the cockroach. the cockroach died very grossly cos it was stuck between dash cover and the windscreen. while darling tried to get it out, it was smash and you can see juices coming out of it. eeeeeee............... i almost wanted to puke when i saw that. i told darling to clean up the car tomorrow if not i won't want to sit in there anymore.

Thursday 20 September 2007

farewell lunch

i was shocked to receive an email this morning title as 'farewell lunch for our 3 angels (me, my boss and another colleague from another dept)'. i'm shocked cos my last day of service is mid oct and is not finalised. the farewell lunch is scheduled for tomorrow, so i guess she (from another dept) can't wait to see me go. i'm not really close to her but still i didn't expect this from her. maybe she really can't wait to get rid of me and my boss but didn't expect her to include her dept colleague. i think i need to 检讨一下, what have i done to deserve this... 
i really don't feel like joining them for lunch. if they are doing a farewell lunch nearer to my last day of service, maybe i will still entertain them but definitely not tomorrow. i feel so .... arghhh..... can i reply the email saying that i'm not going?

Tuesday 18 September 2007

black pepper crab

i met up with my colleague from head office and ex-colleague (aka as lover) for our favourite black pepper crab at koon seng road. its a little coffee shop beside malacca hotel along still road. their pepper crab is superb. we will usually called to make reservations for the crabs. making reservation for the crab is to make sure that you get to eat when you reach and not get a disappointing answer of crabs are SOLD OUT. 
there is no reservations for tables only for crabs. even though you have reserve the crabs, you will still need to queue for table if its full house. 
on weekends, you might have to wait for 30 mins to an hour for table and another 30 mins or more for the crab to be serve. their business is so good that by 6pm, there is already a long queue outside the coffee shop and crabs will be gone by 8 or 9pm. for their crabs, i will queue and wait. yummy!!!!

Wednesday 12 September 2007


i had tender my resignation today. its kind of a mix feelings when i hand it in to my boss. although we had know that this day will come but its still hard to face it. don't know how to describe my feelings.
i had requested for early release. hopefully with my boss's help, hr will release me earlier rather than serving the 2 months notice.

Monday 10 September 2007

home alone

for the 1st time after 3 months of marriage, i'm home alone. darling is in camp today and will only come back tomorrow evening. 
he had called me several times today just to make sure i'm ok. he is only away for 1 day and i miss him. nobody for me to 撒娇, to get me my bedtime milk, and switch off all the lights today. i can't imagine if he is to go away for a longer period, how do i survive...

Tuesday 4 September 2007


i just received a call from moe saying that i'm selected!!! they will send me an official letter to inform me that i have been selected. now is to wait for them to inform me on a briefing that i need to attend. once i sign then i can resign but i must submit my cpf documents before i start work. if not, there will be a 50% pay cut as i'm consider me fresh without experience. hopefully, cpf can send me my documents asap so that i don't need to take so much pay cut. i'm so happy to receive their call. yeah!!!!

Sunday 2 September 2007

baby boy

i went to visit my close friend at tmc. she had delivered a 3.8 kg baby boy yesterday. baby refuse to come out to see the world, so mummy got to to induce him out. she had chosen 1st sep so that baby have a holiday on his birthday every year. he is so cute, rosy and with double eye lid and definitely doesn't look like he is a new born. so happy for her, she is the first among us to be a mummy. so now she can tell us all about it and be our teacher. hahah....

Saturday 1 September 2007


i went to kkh to have a pre-conception check and then back to my own gynae for my last review after the d/c. 
after seeing both, i'm confuse by the different instructions given by them. who should i listen to? the only common comments given is miscarriage is a very common thing, there could be no actual reason to it. 
kkh doc says:
  • don't need to wait for 3 months to try again as long as we feel that we are ready for the next pregnancy, we can try
  • the amount of folic acid in my multi-vitamin is enough, no need to take extra. 
my gynae says:
  • to try again only after oct which is 3 months after miscarriage.
  • add folic acid on top of my current multi-vitamin 1 month before we try. 
i'm going back to kkh to see my report in 3 weeks, then he will tell me how to prevent miscarriage or anything to be careful with for the next pregnancy.