Wednesday 27 February 2008

5th gynae visit

went for our regular gynae visit. we had requested to change from clinic b to the private suite cos i wanted to scan on all my visits. 

we got to see baby again today. doc says baby is growing well. he let us hear baby's heartbeat too. when we heard the heartbeat, i can help laughing. its so funny. doc got to stop me from laughing to get baby's heartbeat rate. its 148, so fast right. to confirm gender, he says it better to confirm on our next visit cos baby is hiding in a corner. baby is not in a good position to tell gender. 

as usual, after seeing baby we forgot most of the things we wanted to check. only remember to ask about my swollen and red eyes and also if i can eat half cook eggs. yeah!!! permission granted for the eggs. i have been craving for them. as to my eyes, it could be due to hormones changes. 

we even forgot to check the size of baby and which week is baby in now. as long as baby is growing well, i guess nothing else really matter. i think i had put on too much week since the last visit. i'm now 49.2kg that is 2.4kg more from last visit which is about a month ago. haiyo... i better be careful with what i eat. hehehhe....... and again i was given a day mc to rest at home tomorrow without me requesting, yeah!!! i can sleep late again.

Wednesday 20 February 2008

confinement lady booked

i think its either me super kiasu or people around me is super kiasu. i had just confirmed my confinement lady and placed a deposit. she is confinement lady of friend who is doing confinement now. even her parents in law and husband thinks that this confinement lady is good, i guess she should be ok right. so, i have got her to help confirm her. anyway, i also won't know where to find one on my own. 

i didn't know that confinement lady actually stay in with us during that period. always thought they will report to work just like me going to work. heheheh.... so sua ku hoh. 

anyway, its good to know that 2 major issues (confinement lady and babysitter) are off my list. any other things will take it as they comes along.

Monday 18 February 2008

a nice gesture

either its my dressing or i really look pregnant now. this morning at the mrt, a lady stood up and offer me her seat. i was touch by her kind gesture. its good to know that there are still nice people around. so for the first time, i can sit down for the 15 mins ride. its really very kind of her. the moment, i'm seated i sms my darling and good friend to share the good news with them.

Sunday 17 February 2008

aching arm

i woke up in the middle of night yesterday as my right arm is aching so badly and feel numb. i have to wake up to do a little massage on it to get rid of the numbness then went back to sleep. when i woke up in the morning, it still aches badly. it only get better as the day progress. however, the ache came back again after i woke up from my afternoon. and this time it had cause my finger to be numb. 

i wonder what had cause this ache. it happen to my left arm about 1 month back too but at that time, the ache didn't last very long. i'm fine by noon. not like this time, it still feel a bit aching as i'm writing this now. hopefully, it will go away by tomorrow. i must remember to ask my gynae about this when i see him again in 2 weeks times. certainly hope this had nothing to do with baby.

Saturday 16 February 2008

24 hour clinic

we went to kk 24 hour clinic in the afternoon today as i notice slight spotting. the clinic is very crowded today, waited for about an hour or more before i see the doc. by then, there isn't any spotting liao. did a check for any bleeding and scan. baby is ok. which is the most important. i'm in my 15 weeks liao, i still thought its 14 weeks only. ask the doc for the size of baby but doc can't get the measurement as baby is very active and keep moving. we were told to monitor for spotting and avoid intercourse for the time being. if everything is fine, just come back for regular visit in 2 weeks time.

Monday 11 February 2008

babysitter confirmed

we had confirm my baby's nanny liao. original plan is to send baby to infant care when i go back to work. but my ex-boss and ex-colleagues thinks that i'm mad to send baby to infant care. 1 is cos its super ex and 2 is that baby is still so young, how come i will 放心 to leave baby at infant care. 

well, for us putting baby at infant care is the best solution cos i can't be sending baby to my mum's place at woodlands at 5am in the morning. which means waking up at 4+ to get ready. putting baby at father in law's place is also not possible cos he has lot of his own activities and is always not at home. so if we don't leave baby at infant care then where? 

thanks to my ex-boss, she told me to leave baby with my ex-colleague's sister. she had been helping to babysit baby and she is really a nice person. so my ex-boss went to ask my ex-colleague to check with her sis if she wants to babysit my baby. and she had agree to wait for us to take care of our baby. so thankful to her, at least she stay near our place. we just need to drop baby at her place when we go off to work. although we had not ask about the price but i'm sure its definitely cheaper than infant care. and we know baby is in good hand too.