Sunday 17 February 2008

aching arm

i woke up in the middle of night yesterday as my right arm is aching so badly and feel numb. i have to wake up to do a little massage on it to get rid of the numbness then went back to sleep. when i woke up in the morning, it still aches badly. it only get better as the day progress. however, the ache came back again after i woke up from my afternoon. and this time it had cause my finger to be numb. 

i wonder what had cause this ache. it happen to my left arm about 1 month back too but at that time, the ache didn't last very long. i'm fine by noon. not like this time, it still feel a bit aching as i'm writing this now. hopefully, it will go away by tomorrow. i must remember to ask my gynae about this when i see him again in 2 weeks times. certainly hope this had nothing to do with baby.

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