Saturday 28 February 2009

new pump

my avent isis duo pump sort of die on me a few times. half way through my pump session, it will auto stop. i need to on and off the switch for it to work again. this happen about 5 times. today, i decided to send it in for servicing. i'm prepare to pay for servicing cos i lost my receipt and warranty card. i had search the whole house, i just couldn't find it.

when to the philips service centre at around 11.30am, took a queue number and waited for about 15 minutes. the customer service guy told me that i have to leave my pump behind for about a week. how can i survive without my pump for 1 week. i can't even survive without it for a day, let alone 1 week. i don't know why i just couldn't get my manual pump to work. i told him, i'm not leaving my pump behind for 1 week. just let me know if it can be service on the spot, if not i will live with my problem. he told me to wait while he send it off to see what the service man got to say.

we waited at the showroom and service centre for less than 1 hour then i saw my precious motor coming out. the customer service man call for me and told me that they have give me a new motor as replacement, free of charge. yeah!!!! he say since i lost my receipt, he will use the serial number on the motor as reference to get my purchase date. with the serial number, he told me that he will put my purchase date as end of march. i think i bought it end of may so i just leave it as it is. therefore, my set is actually cover with warranty till march 2010. after i got a brand new motor, i push my luck further to ask about the tubing. i told him the wire on the tubing seems to have become longer. he say he will check if he got new wire for it. end up, he give me a replacement for the tubing as well. hahah.... i got a new motor as well as a new tubing. i'm so so happy. its like getting 2 pump for the price of 1.

now that i'm using the new motor, i realise that my old one is actually very noisy. this new one is almost no sound kind. its so soft. from now till my set warranty is over, i'm going to get an exchange if i face any problem with it again. hopefully, this won't happen again. philips, you make my day.

Sunday 22 February 2009

standing soon?

we were putting yu ze to sleep just now. our naughty boy refuse to sleep was turning around in the cot, sitting up in the cot and even trying to stand up in the cot. yes, he is trying to stand up or should i say he had done it. my baby had manage to pull himself up by holding on the his cot. we were to shock to see him doing that. 

ever since, he knows how to sit up from lying position. putting him to bed is never easy. he no longer get to bed before 9pm cos he will be sitting up whenever he don't want to sleep. sometimes, he will sit there and cry for our attention. we try to leave him alone as much as possible or simply walk in to his room and give him his pacifier and walk out again. i don't know what time he really go to bed now. 

now that he can stand up in his cot, putting him to sleep will be even a harder thing to do. he is still a bit shaky when standing up, not stable yet. looking at the way he learn to sit up, he will keep practising this new trick this week. yu ze, you are growing up fast.

Saturday 14 February 2009


a few weeks back, i ask darling if i will get any valentine's day present. he said yes but when is valentine's day? he didn't know when is valentine's day and i refuse to tell him. then after a while, he very confidently tell me its on 15 february. my answer to him was, well we just wait till then if you got the date wrong, you will just get scolding from me only loh. 

then 3 or 4 days ago, he came to me and said, we stay at home and watch tv on valentine's day ok. so i ask him again when is valentine's day. he told me he confirm its 14 february cos tv told him so. he actually needs the tv ad to tell him when is valentine's day, that is my gong gong darling. 

yesterday, darling came back with my valentine's day present. he got me a bouquet of tulips. i'm so happy. i still envy my colleague who got flowers in the office, didn't expect myself to receive it too.

we celebrate valentine's day by bringing yu ze to hort park and actually had mac for dinner. wanted to go the that mickey mouse restaurant at anchorpoint but its closed down when we reach there and the car park is full too. so we turn out and went to mac at king's albert park instead. no romantic dinner. sigh....

Friday 6 February 2009

yu ze - 6 months

very fast, my little baby is 6 months liao. i wonder where did all the time went to? it doesn't seems like 6 months had past. my baby is no longer a little baby. he can do all these now:
  • sit on his own without support
  • flipped from back to tummy and tummy to back
  • wiggle like a little worm in his cot whenever i put him down to sleep
  • puts everything into his mouth
  • can self-entertain himself in his cot
  • fall asleep on his own when he is tired
  • trying to crawl now but still not able to do it
  • able to sit up on his own from lying position
  • started on solid for him
  • chew his food like he has teeth already

looking at the list, my baby is really growing very fast.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

chest freezer to the rescue

we finally bought a chest freezer to store breast milk today. i have been nagging darling about our bursting freezer. once or twice a week, we have to play musical chair with bottles and bottles of breast milk. we will transport breast milk from my place to fil's place then from there move to babysitter's place. this had go on for quite a while and we still manage to have some storage space. i had also manage to squeeze another 60 bottles into our own freezer before doing any move.

well, this is not a permanent solution for our storage problem. darling will hear me complaining about no space every 3 to 4 days. one day, darling realise that the tray in the freezer is bend due to the weight of the breast milk. thus, he decided to buy a chest freezer for the breast milk. i search the singapore motherhood forum for a second hand one and manage to see one on sale. however, i'm late. it had been reserved and pending for collection when i contact the seller.

i'm in need of the freezer so much that i call the company in the morning and get them to deliver in the evening. we paid $280 for it and it was delivered at 8pm. finally, my freezer is free from breast milk and i can start buying ice cream to eat.