Saturday 14 February 2009


a few weeks back, i ask darling if i will get any valentine's day present. he said yes but when is valentine's day? he didn't know when is valentine's day and i refuse to tell him. then after a while, he very confidently tell me its on 15 february. my answer to him was, well we just wait till then if you got the date wrong, you will just get scolding from me only loh. 

then 3 or 4 days ago, he came to me and said, we stay at home and watch tv on valentine's day ok. so i ask him again when is valentine's day. he told me he confirm its 14 february cos tv told him so. he actually needs the tv ad to tell him when is valentine's day, that is my gong gong darling. 

yesterday, darling came back with my valentine's day present. he got me a bouquet of tulips. i'm so happy. i still envy my colleague who got flowers in the office, didn't expect myself to receive it too.

we celebrate valentine's day by bringing yu ze to hort park and actually had mac for dinner. wanted to go the that mickey mouse restaurant at anchorpoint but its closed down when we reach there and the car park is full too. so we turn out and went to mac at king's albert park instead. no romantic dinner. sigh....

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