Friday 6 February 2009

yu ze - 6 months

very fast, my little baby is 6 months liao. i wonder where did all the time went to? it doesn't seems like 6 months had past. my baby is no longer a little baby. he can do all these now:
  • sit on his own without support
  • flipped from back to tummy and tummy to back
  • wiggle like a little worm in his cot whenever i put him down to sleep
  • puts everything into his mouth
  • can self-entertain himself in his cot
  • fall asleep on his own when he is tired
  • trying to crawl now but still not able to do it
  • able to sit up on his own from lying position
  • started on solid for him
  • chew his food like he has teeth already

looking at the list, my baby is really growing very fast.

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