Thursday 20 August 2009

1st gynae visit

back to my gynae to confirm my pregnancy today. he is still the same. our conversation goes like this:

gynae: wow!! that's fast

me: haiya, i so suay leh. i had a fall, fractured my left arm, had an operation and do x-ray. almost did another one yesterday too.

gynae: ok, x-ray can lah. no problem as long as there is a shield, you tell your doc say dr tham say can. no problem with x-ray.

he did a scan for me.

gynae: you are confirm pregnant. still very early stage. let be kiasu a bit, i give some vitamins and 'an tai yao' and see you in 2 weeks time, ok? we rather you had a fall during your early stage then in week 6-8. don't worry. do you want mc?

me: no need lah, i have 1 month of mc leh. heheh....

gynae: how's the little one?

me: he is small size loh, only 7.2kg leh.

gynae: don't worry lah. he will grow. i have a friend use to be smaller then me. there is once i saw him, he is taller than me liao leh. so don't worry. you take care, walk slowly ok. i see you in 2 weeks for better progress.

me: ok.

i left his room and sms darling about it. now we just hope that the little little one will grow and develop well. can't wait to see you in 2 weeks time and hopefully can see the 'blinking' heartbeat. 

Wednesday 19 August 2009


i tested with clearblue today though i strongly believe that i can't be pregnant. however, i'm wrong. i got a very clear '+' sign. its even clearer than what i had with yu ze. i was a bit shocked and lost to see the '+' sign. as much as i want to be preggie soon and hopefully can close shop soon. but in a way, this still came as a shock to me.

i wouldn't have tested if not for the fact that i'm going for an x-ray tomorrow for my left arm. now that i got a '+' sign, i'm quite lost. don't know what should be my next step. the first thing i did was to sms darling. then started calling kk to look for my gynae. cos he is fully packed and can't see me till thursday. so i got myself an appointment on thursday to double confirm this pregnancy.

then i start calling ttsh up hoping to find out if its safe to do an x-ray now. they keep transferring me from dept to dept but no one can give me an answer. so i guess, i just have to go according to time and check on the spot loh.

Thursday 6 August 2009

great to be 1

my baobei is no longer a baby liao. he is 1 year old today. lucky i was discharge and was able to have a mini celebration with him. just the 3 of us as a little family. we fetch him from babysitter and bought him a super mini cake for him to eat himself.

well, at 1 year old he still refuse to walk. don't want us to hold him to walk too. when we try to hold him to walk, he will sit down and crawl away. very talkative now, keep talking non stop. some words are quite clear but its not consistent so i guess he still don't really know them. new words coming out from him are open, bah bah, oh no, oh mao, ai jiak, there, stars.... finally able to drink from straw. no longer needs the bath tub to bathe. his new bathing method is to stand and hold against the wall, like those criminal being caught by police for body search kind and use shower head directly on him. its quite cute to bathe him like that.

oh yes, another important thing. he is finally able to feed himself some finger food. but its still not a mastered skill yet cos he still don't always did it correctly. he is sort of toilet trained at babysitter's place but not at home yet. he is able to tell babysitter that he wants to poo and babysitter will bring him to toilet to poo. but we are still not able to catch this at home.

happy birthday, yu ze. mummy and daddy love you.

Tuesday 4 August 2009

a bad fall

i had lots of appointment line up today, 3 sites visits and meeting with contractor and colleagues at another branch. i fall off the stairs at my second stop. yes, only second how to continue with the rest right. 

well, its those all building where there is only staircase access and back door will lead you down by the spiral staircase. i miss a step and fall for a few steps down the stair with shoes flying off. my manager who was with me had a shock. i manage to stand up and continue though my left arm feels a bit pain and numb. i can't put it down straight but to support it in front of my chest with my right hand. despite the numbness and slight pain, i continue with my third site visit and lunch before heading back to see doctor. 

i called my colleague from another office to accompany me to see doc cos i can't go alone carrying my laptop. we went to the gp opposite my another office but its closed. so we had to walk back to office to drop off my things and head down to another clinic. 

i was given a referral letter and told to go hospital for x-ray immediately. we went back office to pick up my stuff, called the other colleagues that i'm supposed to meet and inform them of what to follow up. we went down to tan tock seng hospital cos its the nearest. i called darling up too and he will meet me there. 

by the time we reach, queue and finally got my x-ray done, its almost 5pm. i was told there is no dislocation but a fracture on my left arm and need to be admitted. my very first reaction was, fracture only mah why need to admit. before i can get any clarification, that particular doc is handling an emergency case and i can't talk to him. the nurses also refuse to let me leave ttsh. it was till 7pm+ that i got to see the doc and he insisted that i admit for operation. he say my case is quite serious unless i'm an old lady if not, an operation is a miss. if i choose not to operate i will face more complications and problem in future. 

i started crying knowing that i have no choice but to admit. i can't go back home then what will happen to my yu ze. ttsh is so crowded that they can't get me a bed in class b2 even till 11pm. in the end, i have to downgrade to class c. cos of the wait for a bed is so long and darling can't leave me alone cos i'm a cry baby, he had to call babysitter and leave yu ze there for the night. 

darling was with me throughout till almost 1am after i fall asleep. he came back to see me the next day very early in the morning again. we only got to meet up with the doctor again around 11am to decide if i want to be in queue for operation or be discharged and come back again on friday. darling decided that i should queue and get it over and done with. i was finally being pushed in for the operations at around 6pm.

however, my operation didn't start till almost 745pm. they had numb my whole left hand so that i can't feel the pain and given me sedation so that i will be sleepy throughout the process. maybe the sedation got no effect on me, i can actually hear what is going on and complained about the pain. the doctor had to inject stronger painkiller in me so that i can't feel it. i was finally pushed back to my ward near 12 midnight. darling was so worried cos its supposed to be a minor operations and take only about 2 hours but i didn't return till 12 midnight. he told me he had called up the ward to look for me every hour from 9pm and the nurse just keep telling him i haven't come back. he went back to rest at around 2am again.

on thursday, the doc came and visit me and say everything is good and operation is very successful. he told me i can be discharge on fri after he check my wound. so i look at him with my poor thing and teary eyes and ask to discharge on thursday cos its yu ze's birthday. doc look at me and finally agreed. yeah!!! at least, i get to come home and be with yu ze on his very first birthday. we went straight to babysitter's place to fetch him from ttsh. i missed him a lot. though i can't carry him but seeing him is good enough. :)

i was crying on and off during my 3 days 2 night stay at ttsh cos there is no internet access, i can't go downstairs to walk around, simply got nothing to do. so i'm like a spoilt brat throwing temper and crying at darling, nurses and doc. cos of my 3 days 2 night stay at ttsh, yu ze also stay at babysitter's place for 2 nights. 

bad bruise

i didn't realise my fall is so bad till i change clothes. there is a super big blue black on my left thigh (see from photo, gross right?). my leg also have some blue black but still ok. then my left arm swell like a pig's hand after the operation and doc say its will last a few days. my right hand also have blue black cos of the drip thing that i had. sigh..... all kind of bruises all over me. i was given 20 days of mc for this fall.

Sunday 2 August 2009

1st birthday

i organised a little mini birthday party for yu ze. only my parents, fil, close colleagues and friends are invited. my house is small so can't house too many people too. with about 27 adults, 8 children and 5 babies, my house is packed with limited walking space liao. 
we had our buffet ordered from water-rise. most guest commented the food is nice and better than neo garden. the food is almost all wiped out. i only have curry chicken left behind. the decoration and set up by them is very pro and pretty. i also ordered some balloon since there are children and babies around.

i would say overall, the party is a success, everyone is very happy. nice meeting up with close friends and chit chatting. of course without alll these lovely guests, my party will never be complete. thank you all for coming and also your nice gifts. more photos will be updated as i haven't got them from my friend who is also the photographer of the party.