Thursday 20 August 2009

1st gynae visit

back to my gynae to confirm my pregnancy today. he is still the same. our conversation goes like this:

gynae: wow!! that's fast

me: haiya, i so suay leh. i had a fall, fractured my left arm, had an operation and do x-ray. almost did another one yesterday too.

gynae: ok, x-ray can lah. no problem as long as there is a shield, you tell your doc say dr tham say can. no problem with x-ray.

he did a scan for me.

gynae: you are confirm pregnant. still very early stage. let be kiasu a bit, i give some vitamins and 'an tai yao' and see you in 2 weeks time, ok? we rather you had a fall during your early stage then in week 6-8. don't worry. do you want mc?

me: no need lah, i have 1 month of mc leh. heheh....

gynae: how's the little one?

me: he is small size loh, only 7.2kg leh.

gynae: don't worry lah. he will grow. i have a friend use to be smaller then me. there is once i saw him, he is taller than me liao leh. so don't worry. you take care, walk slowly ok. i see you in 2 weeks for better progress.

me: ok.

i left his room and sms darling about it. now we just hope that the little little one will grow and develop well. can't wait to see you in 2 weeks time and hopefully can see the 'blinking' heartbeat. 

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