Thursday 6 August 2009

great to be 1

my baobei is no longer a baby liao. he is 1 year old today. lucky i was discharge and was able to have a mini celebration with him. just the 3 of us as a little family. we fetch him from babysitter and bought him a super mini cake for him to eat himself.

well, at 1 year old he still refuse to walk. don't want us to hold him to walk too. when we try to hold him to walk, he will sit down and crawl away. very talkative now, keep talking non stop. some words are quite clear but its not consistent so i guess he still don't really know them. new words coming out from him are open, bah bah, oh no, oh mao, ai jiak, there, stars.... finally able to drink from straw. no longer needs the bath tub to bathe. his new bathing method is to stand and hold against the wall, like those criminal being caught by police for body search kind and use shower head directly on him. its quite cute to bathe him like that.

oh yes, another important thing. he is finally able to feed himself some finger food. but its still not a mastered skill yet cos he still don't always did it correctly. he is sort of toilet trained at babysitter's place but not at home yet. he is able to tell babysitter that he wants to poo and babysitter will bring him to toilet to poo. but we are still not able to catch this at home.

happy birthday, yu ze. mummy and daddy love you.

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