Monday 31 December 2007


today is the last day of 2007. looking back at 2007, many things had happen. happy and sad things....
happy events/things
  • having our lovenest
  • our rom
  • our wedding
  • being pregnant
  • got a new job
  • got reason to take lots of mc to rest at home. hahhaha.......
  • got a nintendo ds
  • got a very meaningful christmas present. 
sad events/things
  • the miscarriage
  • leave my close and good ex-colleagues
  • first year without bonus (but got bonus from darling, not to bad lah. heheh...)
it seems like 2007 is not a bad year for me. i have listed more happy events then sad events which is good. hehehe.....

Sunday 30 December 2007

not well

going into week 7 soon, today is the worst day of ms so far. don't feel like eating anything yet constantly feel the hunger. once food is placed in front of me, i can only take a few bites and that's it. the only food that i can place in my mouth recently is whipped potato from kfc. had been eating a lot of that. 
had a sudden craving for delifrance deli potato. make a trip to heartland mall then to realise that delifrance had closed. so we travel to hougang mall, then the delifrance there is a bistro, they don't have deli potato. i was so sad. end up having ajisen. i order a tom yam ra-mian. i have better appetite with sour food. 
darling bought me to toa payoh hdb hub delifrance to have my deli potato. after having my dinner, i feel so lousy. keep wanting to puke though there is always nothing coming out. i feel so bad that i started crying non-stop. simply can't control my tears. 
hopefully, these ms is a good sign of baby is growing well. then all these suffering is worth it. baby, lets be strong to brave through these period.

Friday 28 December 2007

nintendo ds

darling can't tahan me watching repeat tv programme whenever i'm at home. so he decided to get me a game set to play with. yeah!! 
there comes another problem, which one to get? ps3, nintendo wii, psp, nintendo ds? we try to weigh all the pro and cons and getting advise from people but still can't to decide. 
then when my darling came to fetch me from work yesterday, he said we get nintendo ds. cos its a handheld, i can play with it on my way to work next year (now darling send me to work everyday). another reason is also that the games are more childish which means its easier to play. hahahah..... lost touch with all these games for so long, now a bit stupid and slow when playing. 
we got the pink set (came with screen protector and leather pouch) and 3 games set (bommerman, cooking mama and bubble bobble). hehhe....

Wednesday 19 December 2007

2nd gynae visit

we have our 2nd visit to gynae today. did a scan and the necessary routine test. manage to see baby's heartbeat though we are into week 5. baby is super small, only 2.2mm. being able to see baby's heartbeat is the best confirmation. 
not sure if ms had started to kick in, i don't feel hungry since yesterday. don't feel like eating at all but stomach always feels empty. when this feeling comes, i will want to vomit but there is nothing to throw out. gynae had advise to take small meal but more times. of course, i can't skip all the medication given. 
i had requested for mc till christmas so that i can rest at home. had been feeling tired. hehehe.......

Friday 14 December 2007

christmas present

i manage to trick my darling into tell me what he is getting for me as christmas present. i told him i don't like tag heuer watch when he told me he is going to get me a watch. he is so upset about it. i told him, its ok we can still go and have a look. maybe there will be one that caught my attention.
we went to the tag heuer boutique yesterday to look around. nothing caught my attention so we went round to other watch shops in suntec. finally i manage to find 1 that i like and darling thinks its nice too. its a katherine hamnett watch. at first, i was looking at the rectangle face one, then i saw the small round face one. that looks nicer and very classic. so darling says its timeless, it will still look good after 10 years and he got that for me. 
however, i still didn't have the watch with me. me being very vain, took out the watch to see when we were in the car. then we realise the watch is not working. good thing is that we had not left the carpark. so i called the shop immediately and told them to wait for us. they are closing in 5 mins. we went back with the watch and was told that the battery is flat and they happen to not have battery of that size. so the shop is getting a new watch for me from the supplier but I will only be able to get it next week. 
as we were walking back to the carpark, i realise i did another stupid thing. i had left my own seiko watch in the box and leave everything behind in the shop. sigh..... its too late to call them then cos they are closed. so i can only called them today. 
i was never so blur before. good thing is that i'm the last customer yesterday and called them when they open just now. lucky they found the watch if not, i would have lost my 21st birthday present. they will keep it for me till next week when i collect the watch.

Wednesday 5 December 2007

its a chemical reaction

we went to kkh to see doc today. doc mention that as i was in the super early stage, he won't do a scan. at this very moment, we can only call this a chemical pregnancy. whether it will develop into a real pregnancy, we will know 2 weeks later when we go back for review. i never know that there are actually such things know as chemical pregnancy and there is a 30% of failure. 
the doc is very encouraging, he told us not to come back feeling disappointed. there is still a high chance of 70% success rate. he give me some hormones pill to support the pregnancy and 3 days mc to rest at home. we reached home at about 1 and i had been napping since then till 4.30pm. i just feel so tired today. 
i do hope that this pregnancy will be successful then it will be the best christmas present for everyone of us.

Tuesday 4 December 2007


i have have strong feeling that i might be pregnant as i notice some spotting. thought that my menses had reported early but the spotting is very minimum and was on and off. i bought a test kit today and test it out. i got a positive test. i was not really shocked by it since i already sense it. 
i didn't tell darling the result, i just show him the test kit. he look at for a while and ask what. it take him a while to know that it had indicated that i'm pregnant. he is so kan cheong and said that we will go to the doc tomorrow. when i told him about my spotting and why i suspect, he starts to get worried. but importantly, we must go to doc tomorrow.
this time round, we decided to inform our parents about it no matter what.