Wednesday 5 December 2007

its a chemical reaction

we went to kkh to see doc today. doc mention that as i was in the super early stage, he won't do a scan. at this very moment, we can only call this a chemical pregnancy. whether it will develop into a real pregnancy, we will know 2 weeks later when we go back for review. i never know that there are actually such things know as chemical pregnancy and there is a 30% of failure. 
the doc is very encouraging, he told us not to come back feeling disappointed. there is still a high chance of 70% success rate. he give me some hormones pill to support the pregnancy and 3 days mc to rest at home. we reached home at about 1 and i had been napping since then till 4.30pm. i just feel so tired today. 
i do hope that this pregnancy will be successful then it will be the best christmas present for everyone of us.

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