Wednesday 30 July 2008

11th gynae visit

maybe this will be my 2nd last visit to gynae liao, i'm at 38 weeks now. there is still no signs of labour. everything is still looking very good. baby is still very active and comfy inside me. on my next visit, gynae wants me to do a ctg to decide what is the next step to do? what is possibility of natural birth or need to induce me. he only allow me to be overdue for 2 - 3 days max due to my gestational diabetes. 

i had requested for hl from tomorrow to 8 aug to rest and wait for labour signs at home. i don't wish to go into labour when i'm in office. i don't think i can handle it if it happens in office. 

baby is 2.9kg now. as long as baby weight don't exceed 3.2kg on ultrasound scan, i can deliver him naturally. i had gain weight again in this short 1 week. i'm now 55.7kg, another 400g more, a total weight gain of 10.5kg. gynae expects me to gain weight so didn't say much about the slight weight gain. i told him about my increase in appetite. he told me to control my intake and eat more fruits or food that is low in carbo. 

baby, when do you want to come out? can you wait till 8 aug?

Tuesday 29 July 2008

durian durian

just now, i had my first durian ever since i got pregnant. i told darling must eat before i deliver. at the same, i'm also worried about it being too sweet no good for my gestation diabetes. since now its the durian season, the durians are better then normal days.

we bought one 'mao shan wang' durian to eat. i took 4 seeds only. i also test my blood sugar after 2 hours. to my surprise, i actually pass (6.4) leh. darling say good loh, which means we can eat more. but i'm not going to eat more liao, i don't want baby to grow too big.  

darling told me he wants more of the durian. he actually crave for it more then i do. i wonder if he is pregnant or me. hahha....

Monday 28 July 2008

10th glucose test

i'm doing my 10th round of blood sugar test. will this be the 2nd last round of test or will it be the last round? 
  • before breakfast - 3.5
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 5.6
  • before lunch - 5.2
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.1
  • before dinner - 3.3
  • 2 hours after dinner - 4.1
my before lunch result is a bit high though its a pass. it must be the biscuits that i took near 11am. so for lunch, i decide to take yong tau hu without any noodles. my result is back to my usual range liao. hehehe....

Wednesday 23 July 2008

10th gynae visit & 3rd dietician review

i'm back from my dietician review and gynae visit. dietician is happy with my result. she mention that my weight gain is on the low side. with my bmi, i should gain about 12 - 18kg. but as long as baby is of a good weight, i don't have to worry. she give me some info on diet for breast feeding and what to look out for. today will be the last session. no need to see her liao. however, i can still go back to her if i want within 2 years to get the subsidised rate.

with gynae, as usual i have my scan first. my water level is still very good. baby's heartbeat is 135 and he is very comfy inside me. he is head down in right position but not engaged yet. he will most likely be an overdue baby. gynae says that baby is like a teddy bear. 

today, gynae check my blood sugar result too. he is very happy with it. hehee..... he asked darling if i have been a good girl and followed the diet. darling say yes, i have been guai guai. gynae laughs and say good, at least both of us say the same thing. sometimes, when he ask his other patients, the wife will say yes but hubby say no. heheh.....

i ask if i need to go through c-sec since last r he mention that my pelvic bone is small. he told me no need, i have 85% chance of delivering naturally. i told gynae about my wish to have a 080808 baby, he say will aim towards that. if i want, i can also induce then to bring baby out. hahaha.... but when i heard that, i quickly say i don't want cos induce will be very painful. very cha bao hoh.

at 37 weeks, i have gain 10.1kg. baby is 2.84kg now. within 2 weeks, i actually gain 1.1kg and baby gain 500g. don't know what i have eaten to cause a jump in my weight. hmmm......

Tuesday 22 July 2008

massage lady

my usual massage lady told me that she can't make it for my post-natal massage on last sun. she will be going for a day surgery in aug too. after the surgery, she needs to rest for about 2 - 3 weeks. thus, she can't make it for me. unless i want to wait for her and do it later. 

i think its better to do the massage asap after delivery rather wait for a month. so i started sourcing for another massage lady.

lucky, the one that i had try before is still available. i had confirm and book her service. but her charges is much more higher. i guess as long as i get to see result at the end of it, its ok loh. money can always earn back right.

Monday 21 July 2008

9th glucose test

its monday again, another round of blood sugar test for me. 
  • before breakfast - 3.4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 3.7
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.4
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.4

Thursday 17 July 2008

all ready???

i'm at my 36 weeks now. not sure if i'm ready mentally or physically for baby to arrive. since my last admission due to pre-term contractions, i keep wondering when is baby coming out to see us? whenever, my tummy feels hard, i will wonder if i'm actually having contractions at that moment. darling is very concern whenever he saw my hands on my bump. now his call is no longer if i have taken lunch? what i have eaten? it becomes, how is baby? is he moving? you ok? the same questions again when he comes and fetch me from work.  he is super gan cheong daddy now.

finally, he set up the baby cot last weekend. all baby stuffs had been washed and packed nicely into the little storage boxes from ikea. left with the frame for the storage boxes, darling say he will set up when baby is home cos it involves some knocking. he don't want to do it now. so once the frame is up, we just need to slot the storage boxes in. baby's car seat will be down in darling's car from next week, standby for baby. 

my hospital bag is packed too and sitting in darling's car boot. admission letter and my appointment book is always with me in my bag. darling is on standby mode, he ask me to call him don't sms him if i really need to admit liao. he also told me not to wait for him, just get a cab and go straight and he will meet me at kk direct.

i had also inform and get my ex-boss to standby for me. i told her if i can't get darling in time, she is the next person i will call. so she must be there at kk waiting for me and accompany me. i can't imagine being there alone. she agree immediately and say she will drop everything on hand and see me. i'm so touched by her. thanks.

Monday 14 July 2008

8th glucose test

i'm doing my 8th round of test. 
  • before breakfast - 3.4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.3
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4
  • 2 hours after dinner - 4.8
i got craving for tibits now. used to can't eat tibits at all but now i can. i try a small pack of potato chips on sat and i manage to finish all without feeling nausea. the feeling is so good. hahaha.... but i must try to control my intake or take them as my tea

Tuesday 8 July 2008

back from review & 2nd dietician review

i'm back from review. everything is under control and good. yeah!!! no need to continue with medication liao, finish what i have will do. water level and placenta are also very good. no more contractions liao. will see gynae in 2 weeks time. he did remind me to go back if i don't feel right or have any signs of labour. 

there is no weight gain for me. dietician insist that i must have my teabreak. even if i'm not hungry at all, must still take a cup of milk. 

baby, you must be guai guai ok. we will see you on 080808, ok? (mummy dreaming..... hhahaha.....)

Monday 7 July 2008

7th glucose test

i fail this morning test again, don't know why i keep failing my after breakfast test. sigh.... maybe i cook too much kuay teow liao. never mind lah, as long as the afternoon test are ok can liao lah. 
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 8.4 (fail, kuay teow soup with pork :()
  • before lunch - 3.8
  • 2 hours after lunch - 5.3
  • 2 hours after dinner - 6.7 (economical rice and salmon sashimi, an hour later. haha...)
  • before supper - 4.7
sometimes, i wonder if the machine is spoilt. hahah....

Saturday 5 July 2008

no ctg

i was given an appointment to go for ctg today if baby is not active. we decided not to go since baby has been quite active. either he is used to the medication that i'm on or he don't like to stay in hospital like me. he has been active since we came back on wed. though i not sure if i'm still having contractions but since baby is well, we just leave it loh. 

my next appointment will be coming tues. from now till then if there is anything that i don't feel right then will go back too kk. "touch wood" hopefully, i will not be having any contractions then cos darling can't go with me. i don't want to be admitted without him around. i will sure break down and cry. baby, we must co-operate, ok. don't rush to come out hoh. mummy loves you.

Wednesday 2 July 2008


this morning, gynae came to see me. he said my contractions had died down. do another ctg again to ensure that i got no contractions. as long as no contractions, i can be discharge. i will go back for review next tues. if baby movement is still no good, then i need to go back to do ctg on sat. gynae also explain the possible reason for the contractions could be baby feel threaten. cos my pelvic bone is small, baby might think that if he don't come out now, he will have problem coming out later thus causing the contractions.

was strapped on for ctg at around 9+, results was send for gynae to review after that. i'm so happy when the nurse came to tell me that i can be discharge at around 12. i was given medicine to continue at home to prevent contractions. by 1pm, all paper work is complete. my ex-boss came to fetch me cos darling can't come in time. she send me back and walk me up. she really dotes me and really appreciate her. 

yeah!!!!!!! its so good to be home again. i think baby is happy to be home too. he starts to be active again when we were on our way home unlike when we were in hospital.

Tuesday 1 July 2008

pre-term contractions

i was admitted to kk due to pre-term contraction. till now, i still don't know what is contractions. i have no idea how it feels at all.

we came to kk not cos of contractions. yesterday, baby doesn't seems to be as active as before. move a bit in the morning during the short meeting, then quiet down for the whole afternoon. i didn't think much about it then. it was after work, i decided to disturb baby when i reach home. just to make sure, baby is ok and will give me some response in terms of movement. lucky on the way home, he started to kick slowly but still very little. well, at least he does kick which means i can be more 放心. 

regardless of that minimun movement, i still try to disturb him when i'm resting at home. there isn't much increase of movement to his usual self. then i started to worry again. he is the most active in the night but why not today. i told darling about it and we were debating at home if we should go to kk 24 hour clinic to have a check on him. finally, we decided to leave for kk near 11pm on 30 june. 

upon reaching kk, before the door of 24 hour clinic, we saw my gynae. he was shocked to see us and ask what happen. after telling him that i feel decrease in baby's movement, he brought us up to the delivery suite instead. he told us we make the right move to come in to check but went to the wrong place. we should go straight to delivery suite instead of the 24 hour clinic. 

so at the delivery suite, i was strapped to the ctg machine to monitor baby's heartbeat. after 30 - 45 mins, gynae came and told me a shocking news. i actually had contractions at every 11 minutes interval. i go huh? contractions??? but i didn't feel any pain or discomfort at all. he give me a check and say that i'm still closed but he wants to admit me to monitor and also stop the contractions. he doesn't want baby to come out so soon. he says it better to hold baby in for at least another week before delivering, it will be better if i can hold longer. 

admitted at 12am on 1 july and was send to room 24 at the delivery suite. strapped to ctg machine to continue with the monitoring. at the same time, i was given medication to try stopping the contractions. i was also given injection to strengthen baby's lungs. the injection on the tight is super painful. i was very stupid in the beginning, ctg machine is very noisy due the sound produced showing baby's heartbeat. i didn't know that i can request for that sound to be off. its up to 3am when the nurse comes in and ask me to rest. i told her i can't due to the sound. then she told me, oh its easy and she off the sound for me. phew!!!! it was only then that darling and myself can have some peace and rest a while. 

cos i was strapped to ctg machine, i can't really move. so i was not in my usual sleeping position that causes me having very bad backache. then in the morning, gynae came and told me that i had contractions every 3 mins. just as he was talking to me, i'm having another contractions. he asked if i feel anything, my answer is still no. he also told me that my pelvic bone is small so might have to do c-sec but will still monitor and see how. heheheh..... throughout the stay, nurses keep coming and ask if i'm feeling pain but my answer is always a no. i told darling, i need to up a 'i'm not in pain' sign at the bed to show the nurse. so that they won't wake me up asking the same question every time. 

i was send to do a scan on the baby and also cervix check. we got another surprise at the adc, baby is now 2.5kg at 34 weeks. that is a increase of 700g from 2 weeks ago. we didn't expect to have such a big jump on baby's weight. well, i guess its good. if baby really decided to come out early, his weight is still quite ok. 

finally, my contractions is irregular by around 1pm. then i was allowed to be transfer to the normal ward. due to this last min and unexpected admission, we had downgrade to class b2+ from my a1. with b2+, it means darling can't stay with me. well, i never thought i will be so affected by the fact that he can't stay. in the late afternoon, he told me he is going back first to pick up the laptop for me so that i won't be bored. before he can go, my tears start rolling down. its not that i'm in pain or anything. i just don't want to be left alone.

i know he will want to stay if he can but we better be careful with our expenses. we don't know if i will really go into labour anytime soon, and once baby is born, does he need to stay in icu, how long do i need to be hospitalised. we definitely can't afford to stay in a1 ward for long. really can't imagine what will be the bill be if we stay in a1. 

darling left and came back with the laptop for me. darling left home at around 10pm+ which is long after visiting hours. again this time, tears started rolling down but darling didn't see it. now then i know how baby i am. i'm still so not used to not having him with me by my side when i sleep. sigh...... 

hopefully, my gynae will come and give me good news and let me go back home to rest. with this, not sure if i will be order to bed rest when i go home.