Thursday 17 July 2008

all ready???

i'm at my 36 weeks now. not sure if i'm ready mentally or physically for baby to arrive. since my last admission due to pre-term contractions, i keep wondering when is baby coming out to see us? whenever, my tummy feels hard, i will wonder if i'm actually having contractions at that moment. darling is very concern whenever he saw my hands on my bump. now his call is no longer if i have taken lunch? what i have eaten? it becomes, how is baby? is he moving? you ok? the same questions again when he comes and fetch me from work.  he is super gan cheong daddy now.

finally, he set up the baby cot last weekend. all baby stuffs had been washed and packed nicely into the little storage boxes from ikea. left with the frame for the storage boxes, darling say he will set up when baby is home cos it involves some knocking. he don't want to do it now. so once the frame is up, we just need to slot the storage boxes in. baby's car seat will be down in darling's car from next week, standby for baby. 

my hospital bag is packed too and sitting in darling's car boot. admission letter and my appointment book is always with me in my bag. darling is on standby mode, he ask me to call him don't sms him if i really need to admit liao. he also told me not to wait for him, just get a cab and go straight and he will meet me at kk direct.

i had also inform and get my ex-boss to standby for me. i told her if i can't get darling in time, she is the next person i will call. so she must be there at kk waiting for me and accompany me. i can't imagine being there alone. she agree immediately and say she will drop everything on hand and see me. i'm so touched by her. thanks.

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