Saturday 30 August 2008

small meet up

darling is out to distribute full month cakes to relatives while i stay at home with baby waiting for simin and shai. they can't make it for yu ze's baby shower tomorrow so came earlier. shai is my ex-colleague and she is preparing to move to london with her hubby. thus,, very busy in packing and clearing up her work in singapore. i'm so happy that she still try to squeeze some time out to see me and baby.

simin is actually my friend's friend but had also become my friend. she is the one who recommended her confinement lady (aunty maggie) to me. she brought her daughter amanda to visit me and aunty maggie. so its a little reunion for them.  

Thursday 28 August 2008


this vain pot mummy make an appointment to do rebonding today, preparing for the baby shower on sunday. i also had my first hair wash and bath after 3 weeks + into confinement. other then rebonding, i also wanted to do manicure and pedicure too but no time for that after 5 hours of rebonding. 
the manual pump i brought along failed me, can't pump at all. maybe i didn't set it up correctly. i came back home with engorgement and first thing i do is set up my electric pump and start pumping. i manage to get 160ml from that pump but still have to throw them away. 
being a vain pot, i have to throw away 1 day supply of breast milk (8 pumps = 640ml). so heart pain when i pour them down the sink. i guess there must be some sacrifice for beauty (haha.... buay paiseh). also don't want to risk giving yu ze those breast milk in case any of the chemical do get in (so paranoid). 
when i carry yu ze, i ask if he still remembers me since i'm not the smelly mummy anymore. he just stare at me blankly. hehe....

Thursday 21 August 2008

happy news

after morning feed, i was telling yu ze he needs to have a good rest cos we are going to go see doc in the afternoon. today will be his final review on his jaundice check for his g6pd before they discharge him. he is very guai and actually sleep through till afternoon. 
clinic k at kk is very crowded today, after the blood test we had waited for more than 2 hours before its yu ze's turn. good thing is that he had been sleeping throughout so there isn't any problem for him to wait for so long. his jaundice level is very low and was discharge liao. no need to go back for further review and check. he had put on more weight too, he weighs 3.69kg as at day 15. 
another happy news is that mummy had gone back to her pre-pregnancy size liao. i can fit into my usual clothes liao... yeah!!!! i'm so happy. tummy had gone down a lot to almost flat just very flabby after 7 sessions of massage. i bought a girdle from OIO maternity to wrap up my tummy, hoping to flatten it further. hehe.... 
next step now is to tone up my flabby tummy but how leh?

Tuesday 19 August 2008

smelly 宝贝

darling mention that he got 2 smelly 宝贝 now. one big and one small. big one is the mummy doing confinement who can't bathe, only can dry clean by wiping. small one is his precious son who always poo and fart non-stop. we are the two official 臭人 now. 
good thing is that the mummy will only be 臭人 for a month. after that, i can be 香香 again. as for the small one, i think he will be a 臭人 for quite sometime. 
within this month, will darling join us and become the 3rd 臭人? covered by both of our smelly smell. hahaha.....

Friday 15 August 2008

life is not the same anymore

with the arrival of baby yu ze, life is no longer the same. its no longer me and darling, now its us and baby yu ze. everything evolve around him now. 
darling will call back ask what is his son doing. the first time darling do when he reach home is to greet his precious son. giving him the full attention when he is home. he will rush to him with the slightest sound he makes. everything is yu ze now. 
darling wants to learn everything from our confinement lady. he is also the one who talk and ask most questions. he is going to make sure he learns all the skills from confinement lady before she go back. i'm glad that he wants to be involve in everything of baby. he even suggest to bring baby for massage classes. 
i'm so jealous. i'm no longer his number one. sob sob....

Thursday 14 August 2008

follow up check

we brought yu ze for his jaundice follow up visit at kk. after registering him at the clinic, we brought him to the lab for the blood test. while waiting for our turn, he started crying. i carry him and walk around but still can't stop him from crying, so we decided to feed him. the moment he had his milk, its his turn. he is still happily drinking when we went in. 
once the nurse is ready to poke his foot, i took out the milk bottle from him. he let out a big cry once he is being poke. at the same time, i quickly give him his milk. immediately, he forgets the pain and start drinking away. what a greedy pig. 
we were told to wait for the result before going back to the clinic. the result is out within 10 minutes. with it, we went back to the clinic. his jaundice level is at 85. the doc told us to come back in 1 weeks time for another check and that should be the last one. after which, he will discharge yu ze for this case.
yu ze had actually put on weight within these 9 days. he is now 3.54kg. throughout the journey, he refuse to sleep though he is super tired. the moment we reached home, he just knock off and sleep all the way till 9+pm.

Wednesday 13 August 2008

welcome home

yesterday, darling received a call from kk saying that yu ze can come back liao. yeah!!! finally, we can go and fetch him back. he made appointment to meet up with the doc at 3pm. 
while waiting for darling to come back to fetch me and confinement lady, i start calling people who are concern about yu ze to inform them of the good news. confinement lady also started wiping his cot and lying out the bedsheet to welcome him home. 
we reach kk at around 3pm. the nurse brought yu ze for us to change him while waiting for the doc to come. doc explain to us what is g6pd, what we need to look out for and how to take care of him. there is no cure for g6pd, the cure is to take preventive measures. 
we were given appointment for a follow up check on this jaundice level tomorrow.

Tuesday 12 August 2008

power but lazy pump

i'm having engorgement since day 3, didn't know that it can be so uncomfortable, hard, pain and sore. call up kk lactation consultant for advise. i was advise to pump every 3 hours even baby not with me. i have been doing it diligently but it still doesn't help. its so painful and sore. if i miss the timing, i will be worse. at the same time, i don't wish to increase the duration of each pump as i think it will cause my breast to be more sore and bleed. 
my supply had slowly increase from 20ml to 60 ml now. i so happy with the progress. we have been delivering express breast milk for yu ze everyday. hopefully, what we have send will be enough for him. 
i will latch him whenever i see him, hoping to stimulate more milk. i must say he is a power but lazy pump. he is able to soften my breast after every latch. hahah.... can't wait for him to come back.

Friday 8 August 2008


we went to see baby again at 11am with father in law. we reached at the right time as yu ze is due for next feed. i latch him on to feed. so happy to see him sucking away. though not sure if he is getting any milk or just sucking air. but having him in my arms is a real joy. 
we spent about an hour with him before heading home. was inform by the nurse that yu ze is confirm to by g6pd deficient. we were given some info on it to read. we also told the nurse to get the doc to call us so that we can find out more. baby had develop jaundice but still consider low so no need to go for photo-therapy. they will continue to monitor his jaundice level twice a day. hopefully by next tues, he can be home with us.

Thursday 7 August 2008

home without yu ze

i'm discharge today but home without baby. yu ze is suspected to have g6pd. we were shocked to hear that both of us don't have g6pd or not that we know. they need to keep him in hospital to confirm his g6pd status. i started crying when the pd left after telling us the news.
not knowing exactly what is g6pd, make us very worried. can't help and keep crying. before we left, i latch yu ze on to feed him. at that moment, my tears keep falling. even darling who always put up a brave front when i'm upset can't help tearing too. my mum who was there comfort us and say that its ok. let baby stay back to do observation and checks. he will be well look after by the doc and nurses. 
darling wants to change me to their macdonald's room so that we can continue to stay in hospital to be with baby but the room is book. so we can't stay further but to come home. 
we went to visit baby again at 8pm. we missed him so much, can't wait for him to come back.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

yu ze is here

on 5th aug, i wake up in a sleepy state to pee. in my sleepy state, i thought i saw 'the show' in the toilet bowl. without thinking much i just flush and walk back to my bed to sleep. after a while, then i wake up in a shock. trying to recall what i saw just now. is it really 'the show'. i can't be sure and this make me very uncomfortable. very awake liao, can't get back to sleep. i try to find friends over msn to double check but no one is online so early.

after some time, i went to pee again. and this time i saw some red discharge. i think this is it. it must be 'the show' liao. i check online, after having 'show', how long does it take for me to go into labour. for some, its within the day or up to a week. i decided not to take chance, go and bathe to prepare. i call darling and told him about it. he rushed back and send me to kk.

we admit at the delivery suite around 10+am. strapped on ctg and gynae called. gynae came and check around 11am and say that i'm 1 cm dilated. i can choose to go home or be induced. since its only 1 cm, we decided to go home and let baby decide when he wants to come out.

back home at around 12pm, i cook lunch for myself and continue to chat online and also take some rest. my lower back starts to ache slowly and i didn't think much of it. just continue to chat and rest.

the ache is almost unbearable. my friend told me, i could be having contractions. then i thought, isn't contractions supposed to be pain and not ache? she said she had super backache too when she was 4cm dilated so ask me to monitor.

the ache is getting worse, lying down to rest doesn't help anymore. decided to call darling to bring me to hospital. i need to walk around a bit to ease the ache. darling rush back and i told him to bathe first before we go while i continue to walk round the house.

reached kk and admit back in delivery suite again. the same nurse was surprise to see me. hehehe..... again the was strapped on ctg and gynae called. while on the ctg, the backache is almost unbearable. i have to keep moving and change position. the nurse ask me from 0 - 10, what is the pain level now. i told her about 7 - 8. then she give me a shock look, 7 - 8 and you still don't want pain killer. i say no, can tahan.

gynae came and smile at me. i told him, if i know i won't go home liao. he laughs and say its hard to tell. he had a patient who was 4 cm dilated and didn't deliver till 2 weeks later. he checked me and say i'm 5 cm dilated liao. go straight to delivery ward and prepare to burst water bag.

near 7pm
the ache is so bad that i start tearing while they send me to delivery ward. gynae came and ask if i want to have epidural or go without it. he say i can go without it since i'm already at 5 cm. i told him, i don't want to risk it. what if half way through, i really can't tahan and is not allowed to take liao. then i sure died there. heheh.... so he arrange for epidural for me immediately. within 10 minutes, i was administer with epidural. the effect is so strong. i feel numb from neck down immediately. it feel so good and relaxing. i was put on drip since my last meal is lunch. gynae told me, by statistics i should deliver before midnight but it also depends.

i'm 10 cm dilated liao but was told not to push yet cos baby is still a bit high. ask me to wait for him to come a bit lower then start pushing.

epidural was down to half dose for me to feel contractions. with half dose, i still can't feel anything. so was told to start pushing based on mid wife and nurse's instructions. try pushing but still no use, baby is moving down very slowly.

6 aug, 12am
epidural is cut off completely cos i can't push well with instructions and i'm too numb to feel anything. slowly, i start to feel the aching again after epidural cut off. start pushing again. baby is not in a very good position. a young gynae told me that they need to forcep baby out since i had pushed for an hour already. its not good to keep baby in for long. so i was asked to sign the documents. they started preparing the equipments to forcep baby.
near 1am
gynae came in and ask me to try pushing again. i had darling, my gynae, the young gynae, mid wife and a nurse all round me to help me push. gynae press very hard on my tummy trying to help baby out.

after all the help of pressing, holding and pushing, baby is finally out. darling cut baby's umbilical cord. they put me epidural back on for me. i'm just too tired to feel anything.

i got to breastfeed baby at around 2+am and send up to ward at 4am. baby yu ze is 50 cm tall and weighs 3210g. if he is any bigger, i would have to c-se liao.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

false alarm

this morning, i wake up to pee with my sleepy eyes. when i make my way back to bed then i suddenly wake up and wonder, did i see 'the show' just now? is it really 'the show'? then i thought to myself, its too late to think about it now. maybe, i'm just imagining. i try to go back to sleep. with that question in my mind, how to sleep? so i decided to wake up and cook breakfast for myself.

after breakfast, i try to find out more about 'the show' and steps to take if its really 'the show'. i read from notes from antenatal class and ask my friends. before i have to make my way to hospital, i better take a shower first. 

i don't know why, i started crying when i call darling. he told me to wait at home and is coming back to fetch me. he must be shocked by me. i started packing my nintendo ds, laptop and change while waiting for darling.

we go straight to the delivery suite and i was strapped on to ctg for an hour. gynae was inform and he came to see me and did a check. i'm 1cm dilated but having irregular contractions. we were given the option to wait for baby to come out naturally or induce today. we had choose to wait, so i was send back home.

so now, will it by today, tomorrow, the day after or..... we just have to wait for the grand entrance of baby.

Monday 4 August 2008

11th glucose test

today, i'm doing my 11th round of blood sugar test. i believe this will be last round of test that i'm doing. 
  • before breakfast - 3.6
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.2
  • before lunch - 3.8
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.2
  • before dinner - 5.3
  • 2 hours after dinner - 4.9

hopefully, no more finger pricking for me after this. don't know why, pricking seems to be very painful today. never mind, its all over liao.

Saturday 2 August 2008

waiting game

as days goes by, the counting down starts, the waiting game starts.... everyday, i will be wondering if its today? 

the panic starts when i'm alone or when i feel a sudden gush of heavy discharge. i start to wonder if it my water bag leaking or just increase in discharge. i keep making trips to toilet to check, monitoring if my mucous plug is out? am i going into labour soon? did i miss out any signs of labour? lots of question starts popping in my mind now. 

oh no, i have press the panic button myself. i need to calm down and get my mind off these. i don't have to worry, baby will sure to give me clear indication when he wants to come out. i must trust myself, baby and my gynae's judgement. smile, be happy and wait for baby's grand entrance soon. calm down and jia you!!!!