Saturday 2 August 2008

waiting game

as days goes by, the counting down starts, the waiting game starts.... everyday, i will be wondering if its today? 

the panic starts when i'm alone or when i feel a sudden gush of heavy discharge. i start to wonder if it my water bag leaking or just increase in discharge. i keep making trips to toilet to check, monitoring if my mucous plug is out? am i going into labour soon? did i miss out any signs of labour? lots of question starts popping in my mind now. 

oh no, i have press the panic button myself. i need to calm down and get my mind off these. i don't have to worry, baby will sure to give me clear indication when he wants to come out. i must trust myself, baby and my gynae's judgement. smile, be happy and wait for baby's grand entrance soon. calm down and jia you!!!!

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