Tuesday 30 March 2010

9th gynae visit

don't know if this is the 36/37 weeks today. went to see gynae for my routine check. baby is head down and in right position liao but don't know if engaged already or not. ask gynae what is on my right side cos i always feel the kick/movement there. he say its her legs. she is 2.6kg today comparing with yu ze, she is slightly lighter by 200g. i gained 1kg within a month, a total weight gain of 5.7kg to date. 

next visit is 2 weeks later, by then i will request for hl to stay at home to rest liao. gynae ask if i still remember when to admit myself? i laughed and told him, don't really leh. cos i was forced to admit by my colleague when i had yu ze. i was experiencing backache then and still msning my colleagues. if she didn't threaten to come and send me to hospital, i would still be home msning. hahaha.... gynae commented that so msning is better then epidural cos i got admitted at 5cm dilated. :p

anyway, he went through the 3 signs with me again and give me a brochure on it. i ask if i will delivered early, he say why not. just keep a look out on the signs and not to think too much. so i guess the waiting game start anytime now. but i do hppe that she don't come out so early cos i want her to be a taurus. then we will have 2 female taurus and 2 male leo at home. :)

Thursday 25 March 2010

4th glucose test

the 4th round of test.
results of the day
  • before breakfast - 3.9
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.5
  • before lunch - 2.4
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.9
  • before dinner - 4.6
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.1
  • bedtime - 4.6 
i was pretty shocked to see my before lunch result to be so low.

Sunday 21 March 2010

maternity photoshoot

i have finally took my maternity photoshoot. i had wanted to do it since i was preggy with yu ze. however, didn't get to do it cos darling disagree to it and i feel that its not so nice if all the shoots were just me instead of us. so i give up the idea then and tell myself i can always do it again next time. 

for this pregnancy, preparation work had been real real slow. i only started to look out for ps packages not long ago. had make some enquiries but never confirm due to pricing. then i saw a promotion by www.f8angels.com in forum on wednesday, its looks very attractive. again i email them to make some enquiries but this time, i really act fast on it and confirm everything within 2 days. 

i keep quiet about this whole ps arrangement. it was on fri then inform darling that we are going for ps today. darling again give me a disapproving look and commented that i very hiao, why must take maternity shots. don't wish to argue or fight with him, i simply told him this, if you don't want to take then don't go with me. i will still go ahead and take it. his reply was he also want to take. :P 

why must show tummy?
i started preparing and packed our bag for today's ps. though the package is an hour shoot but we took slightly more than an hour. i would say this is a very different ps from the rest that i have taken so far. i believe the numbers of photo taken this round is also the least among the rest. as i need to really pose for the shots and the photographer is busy testing the lighting, flash lights. there are also some daring shots that i never thought that i would do it. 

the photographer locks ourselves up in the studio so nobody can come in to see what's going on. it does help me to feel more relax to take certain shots. yu ze had also been quite a good boy. though he does run around a bit in the studio but in general he didn't disrupt the whole shooting. saw some of the photos from the camera after the ps, looks quite ok. now is waiting for her to do some editing and send them off to me. 

Friday 19 March 2010

parent teacher meeting

i was surprised to see a letter on monday in yu ze's communication book stating that there is an upcoming parent-teacher meeting session today. of course, we replied indicating that we will be there. very curious what to expect from this kind of session when he is so young. what is there to meet and say about?

today, i took half day to attend yu ze's very first parent-teacher meeting. before that, we make a trip to expo baby fair but end up buying tops and bottoms for yu ze again and nothing for baby. hahahah....

the parent-teacher meeting session is held in the canteen. before we head down to canteen, we went to his class to fetch him first. he was sitting with the class watching tv when we reach. he saw us opening the door and run to me happily. then start to say bye bye to his friends and teachers. we went to the canteen, light snack and drinks are prepared for us. parents are just sitting around relaxing talking to their own teacher. its a very relaxing session.

his teacher saw us and came forward to update us on his development in school. she commented that yu ze is starting to show his true colour. hahahaha..... no longer shy shy, likes to 'talk' a lot and even boss his older friends. will shake his head to indicate don't want lesson time. keep saying playground telling them he wants to go playground. playground is also his favourite word now and one of those the teacher understand him. he likes talking to his older friends and seems like they are able to understand him too. don't know how? but i guess between kids, they are able to. 

one of his classmate take a private bus home which comes 10 mins earlier than yu ze's. so once he saw that his friend left with the bus, its almost time for him to go home too. he will then keep looking out for the bus auntie through the window, pointing at the door and try to hear for her footsteps. once he saw the auntie, he will start running to the door liao.

in almost a month in cc, my boy actually get 'complaint' from teacher. hahaha.....

we do realise that yu ze is more 'talkative' now compare to last time. he seems to be sharing with us what happen in school daily in his baby language that we don't understand. sometimes, he also sound like he is singing. now he is able to say bye bye and now just waving his hands only. he loves to say bye bye to many things which includes cats, dogs, bird, mrt, bus, cars even little ants crawling on the floor. he will go there there, then wave and say bye bye to them. hehehe....

i believe he is definitely learning more things in cc then being at home or with babysitter. though my babysitter is really very good, cc is also a good place for him to learn to be mixed around with others, share things with others.

Thursday 18 March 2010

3rd glucose test

i did my 3rd round of test and it was the first time some of my colleagues saw me doing the test. one of them said that only i'm so guai to listen to gynae and dietician to do this test. i'm torturing myself with all the finger pricks. i told her its for both me and baby's health. anyway, doing it once a week is not very much and better than doing insulin injections. this is already consider small case.

she still insist that i'm torturing myself. there is nothing with high sugar level cos she also had very high sugar level when she is preggy with her son. her son is very big at birth too and nothing wrong. so why bother to monitor loh. she thinks that my gynae is cheating me into doing this. don't know how to make her understand, so i just keep quiet.

to me, i rather suffered a bit now also don't want to put myself and baby's health at risk. i'm already starting this late compared to yu ze's time liao.

results of the day
  • before breakfast - 4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.8
  • before lunch - 3.5
  • 2 hours after lunch - 6.3
  • before dinner - 4.4
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.1
  • bedtime - 3.2

Thursday 11 March 2010

2nd glucose test

my 2nd round of glucose monitoring.
results of the day:
  • before breakfast - 4.4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 5.2
  • before lunch - 3.9
  • 2 hours after lunch - 5.6
  • before dinner - 3.7
  • 2 hours after dinner - 6
  • bedtime - 5.9

Thursday 4 March 2010

1st glucose test

i did my first round of glucose monitoring for this pregnancy. results seems to be too good to be true. anyway, just hope that it will stay this way bah. recapped on the results range:
before food: 3.5 -5.5
2 hours after food: 5.5 - 7
  • before breakfast - 3.6
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.1
  • before lunch - 3.9
  • 2 hours after lunch - 4.9
  • before dinner - 5.3
  • 2 hours after dinner - 4.3
  • bedtime - 3.9 
i will need to do this once a week till i delivered. not really complaining cos i already started late for this testing liao.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

8th gynae visit

as usual, send yu ze off to take his school bus and headed to have my breakfast instead of going to work. going to see baby in the afternoon.

arrange to meet up with my colleague to pick up 8 more sets of uniform for yu ze. cos we don't wash our clothes daily, end up he doesn't have enough uniform. i actually had to hand wash on certain night and get it dry by next day for him. anyway, i didn't know the bus journey to yu ze's cc is only 15 minutes. thus, i was there super early. it was supposed to be their nap time so i thought i'm safe to go peep at him and at the same time get some updates from the teacher. i was wrong leh, he just happen to wake up and change diaper cos he just pooed. therefore, he caught me and want me to carry then say bye bye to his teacher liao. so i sign him out and bring him to the office and wait for darling to come fetch us to see baby.

at kk, i didn't have to wait long before my turn. the nurse called me while i'm still doing my routine test. baby is now 1.8 - 1.9kg at 32 weeks, almost the same weight as yu ze (1.7kg). mummy is only 50.7kg. gynae notice that my baby are all growing well and big inside me but once out, they grow and don't put on weight. he say if i continue this way, baby should be around 3.2kg. he also ask me not to eat too much which i don't leh.

anyway, he told me to get the glucose monitoring machine from pharmacy and start my monitoring from this week. so after my appointment with him, i headed down to pharmacy and loan out the machine. will start my weekly test from this week onwards.