Thursday 18 March 2010

3rd glucose test

i did my 3rd round of test and it was the first time some of my colleagues saw me doing the test. one of them said that only i'm so guai to listen to gynae and dietician to do this test. i'm torturing myself with all the finger pricks. i told her its for both me and baby's health. anyway, doing it once a week is not very much and better than doing insulin injections. this is already consider small case.

she still insist that i'm torturing myself. there is nothing with high sugar level cos she also had very high sugar level when she is preggy with her son. her son is very big at birth too and nothing wrong. so why bother to monitor loh. she thinks that my gynae is cheating me into doing this. don't know how to make her understand, so i just keep quiet.

to me, i rather suffered a bit now also don't want to put myself and baby's health at risk. i'm already starting this late compared to yu ze's time liao.

results of the day
  • before breakfast - 4
  • 2 hours after breakfast - 4.8
  • before lunch - 3.5
  • 2 hours after lunch - 6.3
  • before dinner - 4.4
  • 2 hours after dinner - 5.1
  • bedtime - 3.2

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