Friday 19 March 2010

parent teacher meeting

i was surprised to see a letter on monday in yu ze's communication book stating that there is an upcoming parent-teacher meeting session today. of course, we replied indicating that we will be there. very curious what to expect from this kind of session when he is so young. what is there to meet and say about?

today, i took half day to attend yu ze's very first parent-teacher meeting. before that, we make a trip to expo baby fair but end up buying tops and bottoms for yu ze again and nothing for baby. hahahah....

the parent-teacher meeting session is held in the canteen. before we head down to canteen, we went to his class to fetch him first. he was sitting with the class watching tv when we reach. he saw us opening the door and run to me happily. then start to say bye bye to his friends and teachers. we went to the canteen, light snack and drinks are prepared for us. parents are just sitting around relaxing talking to their own teacher. its a very relaxing session.

his teacher saw us and came forward to update us on his development in school. she commented that yu ze is starting to show his true colour. hahahaha..... no longer shy shy, likes to 'talk' a lot and even boss his older friends. will shake his head to indicate don't want lesson time. keep saying playground telling them he wants to go playground. playground is also his favourite word now and one of those the teacher understand him. he likes talking to his older friends and seems like they are able to understand him too. don't know how? but i guess between kids, they are able to. 

one of his classmate take a private bus home which comes 10 mins earlier than yu ze's. so once he saw that his friend left with the bus, its almost time for him to go home too. he will then keep looking out for the bus auntie through the window, pointing at the door and try to hear for her footsteps. once he saw the auntie, he will start running to the door liao.

in almost a month in cc, my boy actually get 'complaint' from teacher. hahaha.....

we do realise that yu ze is more 'talkative' now compare to last time. he seems to be sharing with us what happen in school daily in his baby language that we don't understand. sometimes, he also sound like he is singing. now he is able to say bye bye and now just waving his hands only. he loves to say bye bye to many things which includes cats, dogs, bird, mrt, bus, cars even little ants crawling on the floor. he will go there there, then wave and say bye bye to them. hehehe....

i believe he is definitely learning more things in cc then being at home or with babysitter. though my babysitter is really very good, cc is also a good place for him to learn to be mixed around with others, share things with others.

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