Wednesday 27 June 2007

into week 7

went back for review today, again was given another jab to 安胎. gynae didn't mention about the miscarriage this time but i was given 2 more days of mc to rest for this weekend.

did the scan again today, was hoping to see baby but gynae took sometime to locate it and also cos my stomach is very gassy the scan is not clear.

good thing is that baby, you are growing. you had grow from 1.05cm to 1.84cm in a week. please do let us see you on our next appointment. tell us you are healthy and growing well, then we can tell your grandparents the good news. i'm sure they will be looking forward to see you.

Thursday 21 June 2007

i'm pregnant

gynae had confirm my pregnancy, i'm really pregnant. i can't tell if we are happy cos there is a chance of miscarriage since i have bleeding or stainings as they call it. i was given a jab to 安胎 and medication too. i'm supposed to rest in bed for the rest of the week, no herbs, medicine and carry heavy things for me. i'm given a week mc and to see gynae again next week to check.

based on my may menses, i'm currently 6 weeks pregnant and expected due date is 13 feb 08. i think we are in shock more than happiness. we had decided not to mention anything to our parents till next week. hopefully by then, baby is stable then we can share the happy news with them.

its actually a amazing experience to be able to see the heartbeat of the baby through the scan. i can't hide my happiness when i see the heartbeat but my heart sank when gynae mention about the possibility of miscarriage. just pray that everything will be fine and we will get good news next week.

Wednesday 20 June 2007

we are back....

my honeymoon had finally ended. :(

arrive at 12am and reached home at 1am. it was indeed a tiring trip. following a tour did let us see many parts of taiwan. however, taking the coach can a torture. my daily routine for the 8 days, sleep when i'm in the coach, eat and walk around when i'm out of the coach.

the food in taiwan is not for me. i don't like their food at all. even their kfc is not nice, mac is salty and mos burger is different. the most familiar food i get there are pocky and coke. i end up eating a pack of pocky everyday and drink coke.

i did something real stupid on the 3 day morning. i had deleted all the photos that we had taken on the 1st and 2nd day. i'm so angry with myself after i realised what i did. sigh.....

i didn't do much shopping. the clothes there are not my cup of tea, those that i like are very ex. however, i did buy a lot of hello kitty stuff back. hehehe...... i bought small post it pad, towels, bookmarks and toaster all with hello kitty back. hahah.......

all i want to do now is bathe and sleep. any other matters can wait till tomorrow. however, i realise that there is blood in my urine. i sense that something is very wrong. i started to worry and quickly tell darling about it. i think i better see a doc tomorrow. one is confirm that i'm not pregnant, second is to find out what happen to me? is my body giving me some kind of warning. i'm starting to panic....

Tuesday 12 June 2007

test kit

as i was sharing my unusual menses with a 'me see' friend, she insisted that i'm pregnant and ask me to do a test. to me, my menses was late due to stress over the wedding preparations. anyway, it did come eventually though its not the normal flow.

since, she is so sure and insisted cos if i'm really pregnant i might not be stable. so if it did tested positive, she wants me to see a doc immediately once i reach taiwan.

before we left for taiwan today, i tested with the pregnancy kit i bought at the airport. when to test before i board the plane, manage to see a very faint 2nd line but i don't think its true. i can't be pregnant. we wouldn't have hit the jackpot. getting pregnant is not as easy as abc...

i ignore the test result and didn't mention anything to darling and happily left for taiwan.

Monday 11 June 2007

back from mini honeymoon

we are back very late yesterday night. overall, its a fun trip. i had enjoy the visit to see turtle and fireflies. however, the way back when we went to see waterfall so torturing. at least for me, it was. i was bitten by mosquitoes all over.

just unpacked our stuff from the trip and now packing for another trip. we are leaving for taiwan tonight.

taiwan, here we come.......

Thursday 7 June 2007

boycott them

we went to make our balance payment for our honeymoon at the travel agency yesterday. we were shocked to hear that we can't make payment via credit card cos they don't absorb the 2.5% service charges by credit card company. so they wanted us to make payment via cash or nets. if we were to make payment via credit card, we have to bear the 2.5% charges. i was like why didn't anyone inform us of this company policy that you had. and we do make our first payment via credit card during the travel fair. nothing of such had been mention to us.

then the lady showed us our receipt and said that its all stated in the receipt. i almost wanted to yell her, who had ever looked at their receipt after making payment. the only time that i will look at the receipt carefully there's when i think i have been overcharged. if not, i will throw the receipt away the moment i received it from the sales person. with this, i only can blame it on ourselves for not looking at all the words that is printed on that receipt.

however, i still can't accept the fact that such a big travel agency actually want us consumers to absorb the credit card charges on our own. if now, we had booked this tour with any small little or unknown travel agent, i would have no complaints and understand why. definitely not from them

anyway, no more future trips to be booked with them. i'm so upset with them. so please do take note that if you are planning to pay your trip via credit card first, then never booked with them.

Wednesday 6 June 2007

back to work

i'm back at work today and tomorrow. i had only been away for about a week and already don't feel like coming back at all.

i think i will feel even more worse when i'm back from taiwan trip. going to travel agent to make the balance payment for our honeymoon later. i'm going to buy the necessary toiletries too for both the malaysia drive and taiwan trip. getting ready to pack and leave for our honeymoons......

how i wish today is thursday and we can leave tomorrow.

Tuesday 5 June 2007

post wedding 2

finally ad is over on sun. i'm just back from fullerton. we did had a great time on ad. thanks to all jiemeis and xiongdi and everyone that is around on our special day. without you, we won't have such a good time.

we did enjoy ourselves. me being a super cry baby, cried on ad. once in the morning when i see my hubby cried at his grandma's place when she mention about his mum. 2nd time is when my darling hubby sang a song for me after his speech in front of everyone. this is so unexpected that i cried on the spot. i really can't hold my tears back anymore. darling, you are so sweet.....

thereafter, when we were sending our guest off at the entrance. i cried again when i see all my friends and close relatives. i'm such a cry baby, can't hold back my tears. every word they said really touches my heart and can tell that they really love and dote me.

i love you all. thanks for being there with us.

Monday 4 June 2007

post wedding

i'm supposed to wake up at 5am yesterday and eat a bit before my mua arrived. however, all of us only woke up at 6am with my mua standing outside my door. she woke us up with her morning call to open the door for her. hehehe.......

i got myself ready in 10 mins for her to do her work. my jiemeis came at 6.45am instead of before 6.30am. my hubby came at 7.30am instead of 7am. all of us were late, didn't do what was on plan. hahahha........

despite all these, we were before time. on plan, we will reach home at 12 noon for tea ceremony for my side but we cleared all activities at 12 noon. we were resting by then and left for hotel at 1.30pm.

the dinner went well too. with 46 tables, we still managed to start at 8.15pm and finished off by 11+. all the hard work, preparation, stress, planning is for yesterday. times really flies and before we know it. our wedding is over....

Sunday 3 June 2007

morning event montage

i did up a simple montage for the morning event to be played at the banquet later while 'resting' in our beauitful suite. guests who have arrived earlier can have a view of our morning event.

Saturday 2 June 2007

its tomorrow!!!

i'm back from mani and pedi and hubby also went home after he sent me to do mani and pedi.

tomorrow is the big day liao!!!!! so stress and excited...... hopefully everything will run smoothly, always feel that we didn't prepare enough angpao. hopefully its just me imagination.... no matter how much preparation is done, its just seems not enough.......

after tomorrow, we can finally sleep in our master bedroom and our bed.....