Tuesday 12 June 2007

test kit

as i was sharing my unusual menses with a 'me see' friend, she insisted that i'm pregnant and ask me to do a test. to me, my menses was late due to stress over the wedding preparations. anyway, it did come eventually though its not the normal flow.

since, she is so sure and insisted cos if i'm really pregnant i might not be stable. so if it did tested positive, she wants me to see a doc immediately once i reach taiwan.

before we left for taiwan today, i tested with the pregnancy kit i bought at the airport. when to test before i board the plane, manage to see a very faint 2nd line but i don't think its true. i can't be pregnant. we wouldn't have hit the jackpot. getting pregnant is not as easy as abc...

i ignore the test result and didn't mention anything to darling and happily left for taiwan.

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