Wednesday 24 October 2007

3rd day at work

today is my 3rd day of work. generally, i still don't have a table and pc to myself cos the lady (z) that i'm taking over had not change her work station. she is supposed to take over another lady (y) who is leaving and this lady only leaves next fri. so i'm going to share seat with 'z' for the time being. maybe i'm still new, i still got nothing to do. 
i am joining them for the workplan seminar today and tomorrow. this is the first time, i attend such seminar. as much as i hate talking in front of a group presenting, this seminar is actually quite fun and set me thinking. 
who will ever sit here and think about:
  • people/things that matters to you
  • your values
  • your goals
  • how you celebrate your success
  • what is your fears
this seminar let you understand yourself better and get you thinking of what happen this year, what had you learnt, what are you going to do in future. also through some activities, you get to know more about your colleagues. maybe this is the first time, i'm doing it so i do enjoy it so far. i guess if i have to do it every year, i might not enjoy this at all.
its indeed a total different experience.

Thursday 18 October 2007


as yesterday was my last day of work, i sent out thank you messages to people that i had worked with cos didn't get to say goodbye to them (all involved in meeting). 
its just a simple and general thank you message. i got this reply from my coo, i'm actually touched by him. 
'you have grown much over the years celyn and entered into married life too. as you progress forward, may your joys be over many times your sadness. call on your coach meng kuan (my boss) to share both. you are a big part of her life. call us too if you miss your job here. be blessed. 
my eyes were wet when i saw this but i managed to hold back my tears. i forward this to my boss telling her that i'm touched by him and don't know how to reply this message.
my tears eventually drop when her reply was 'just appreciate us in your heart' and on the radio, it was playing 光良's song, 都是你. all the memories came back to me and i realised i do miss them and feel sad about leaving. i was crying all the way home. 
not only i play a big part in my boss's life, she too play a big part in my life. she had shared all my joy and sadness these 8 years, she is always there to support me and help me through all my difficult times. she did has a very special place in my heart.

Wednesday 17 October 2007

last day

yeah, finally today is my last day of work. after 8 years and 2 months to be exact, i'm leaving everything here. i can still remembered my first day of work at hq. i was waiting for my immediate supervisor then at the reception when my boss came in and saw me. she showed me around and introduced me to everyone. back in my mind, i tried very hard to recall who is she and what is her name. hehehe..... i'm very bad at putting names to faces unless i see you very often. the days in hq are memorable and so are the days when our dept shifted out to the new site 2 years ago. we went through the renovation, the furnishing and cleaning up of this place. its just like a home we build for ourselves. 
i do feel happy that i'm leaving as i see many changes coming in and i don't see how these changes will help to make things better here. at the same time, i do feel sad that i'm leaving all my dear colleagues. after so many years, we do have a special bonding. i will definitely miss them especially my boss and some colleagues in hq. 
i had personally given the little thank you card that i made to my boss. i had avoid talking to her on a personal note cos i don't wish to cry. my boss had always say that i will be nice to the whole world except her. i will bully her and show her black face and throw temper at her. my answer for her is always, you are the one who selected me after the 2nd interview. hahah...
 i will miss you and all the memories that we shared. take care...

Monday 15 October 2007

farewell dinner

i had my farewell dinner with colleagues at cafe cartel. it was a last minute arrangement decided at 4pm. jenny and i are leaving on wed, so its a farewell for both of us. 
since the dinner was at serangoon garden, i had arrange for my darling to pick us up and send us there. at the same time, he can bring my laptop back and helped me buy the ingredients to make the japanese jelly. i had promised my boss to make more for her since she didn't had enough (she already took 4 trays back with her in the morning). so i had started making the moment i reached home at 9pm. 
the servings for cafe cartel was quite big, i had the ribs and could only manage to finish half the portion. we were teasing li li all the while for the mistake that she made. she had requested for her desert to be served instead of dessert. the brownie with ice cream was tasty. although i'm not close with them, we did had an enjoyable evening and were laughing and joking throughout the dinner.

Sunday 14 October 2007

thank you

i wanted to get a gift for my boss to express my thanks for her. but i just had no idea what to get for her, she had all the things she needs. so i decided to make her a thank you card. although it may be a simple and worthless card but the thoughts are priceless. i think i will still get her something if i come across something nice these 2 days. 
now that i got this card, i don't know if i want to hand it to her personally or just leave it on the table for her. i guess it will be hard to face the moment if i do give it to her personally.

Thursday 11 October 2007

a little complaint

i'm so bored in office that i decided to write about the little complaint i made this morning. 
i had subscribe to motherhood magazine not long after i found out that i was pregnant then. before i could send in my request to subscribe, i was told of my miscarriage. but we still went ahead to subscribe cos we will need it later anyway. 
so i send in the request for it to start sending us a copy from august 07. and that was the only issue i received since then. and i had clean forgotten about it till yesterday, i thought my darling had kept them away quietly so that i won't think of baby after looking at the magazine. so i decided to check with him but darling said no, then we realised we never received the issue for sept and oct and we had actually paid for 36 issues of it. we were not angry but just feel that why we so blur, never realise that we are being cheated in a way. heheh....
so i call them up to check. i explain the situation to the lady who answered the call, then she said she will look into it but and will send us the backdated copies and asked me to look out for every new issue around the last week of the month.
i never expect myself to be so blur that i had clean forgotten about it. big sotong.

Saturday 6 October 2007

new additons

we had been shopping for a radio and a dvd player for some time. didn't really see what we like. maybe we are outdated. there isn't a lot of selections to choose from for a hi fi set. we wanted something that can play dvd, vcd, mp3 and has fm radio too. it seems like many people are getting home theater system now instead of hi fi set. but we didn't like all the speakers that comes with it the home theater system.

actually we saw a dvd micro theater system that we liked but it cost $469 but with amount we can get a home theater system which gives better sound effects. if that is the case, we decided to stay outdated and get a hi fi set and dvd player which only cost us $176. at last, we got our mini hi fi set (see pic but ours is a black one) and dvd player for our lovenest from courts today. i was telling our mini hi fi doesn't look like a hi fi. heheh..... darling says i always like to buy things that doesn't has its supposing look.

Friday 5 October 2007

a lesson learnt

for the first time i know, offsetting my leave to leave earlier means no pay. i received my exit interview forms and letter on my resignation. 
on the letter, there is a sentence. "arrangement will be make to pay you your salary up to and including 17 oct." when i first got this, i didn't really pay attention to it. after a while, i read it carefully then i feel that something seems to be wrong with this sentence. this would means that i'm only paid for 1 - 17 oct, that's all. then what about my leave from 18 oct - 11 nov? not paid? i'm confuse. is my english so bad that i don't understand the sentence? 
i call hr to clarify, the executive confuse me further with her explanation. in the end, the hr manager call me to explain which is clearer and finally i understand. 
cos i wanted to leave earlier (17 days), i need to pay back company in cash for the days that i didn't serve notice. with my 17 annual leave, i can use these leave to offset the 17 days that i need to pay back. therefore, i'm not paid. i was actually quite shocked to hear that. but what she say is correct too, so i got nothing to say. then she told me, what i can do now is to get my boss to waive my notice then she will arrange to pay me for my leaves. 
so i went to talk to my boss and get him to waive my notice and he agreed. so now, i will be paid for my leave. with this resignation, i learnt something. offsetting leave with notice means no paid.

Wednesday 3 October 2007


with me changing job in 2 weeks times, i told my darling i needed more office wear. got excuse to go shopping, hehe.... 
as my current office wear are quite causal cos i can go in spaghetti straps tops. so my wardrobe consists of mainly spaghetti straps tops, halter neck, some sleeveless and limited tops with sleeves (i think only 4 pieces). i don't think my new office will allow me to go in so causally. i need to get more tops with sleeves or at least sleeveless. 
i have been out shopping last week and today. i brought along my personal atm too (hahaha.... my darling to pay for my purchases). i had spent near $300 on a top, a pair of pants and 2 dresses. thank you, darling.
at the same time, my colleague who know that i'm out on a shopping sprees told me not to buy so much just in case, i get pregnant and all these will go to waste. hehe.... i told her where got so fast, not that you want, you get it. well, what she say is also quite true but nothing can stop me from shopping especially now i got excuse to shop. hahahah..............