Wednesday 24 October 2007

3rd day at work

today is my 3rd day of work. generally, i still don't have a table and pc to myself cos the lady (z) that i'm taking over had not change her work station. she is supposed to take over another lady (y) who is leaving and this lady only leaves next fri. so i'm going to share seat with 'z' for the time being. maybe i'm still new, i still got nothing to do. 
i am joining them for the workplan seminar today and tomorrow. this is the first time, i attend such seminar. as much as i hate talking in front of a group presenting, this seminar is actually quite fun and set me thinking. 
who will ever sit here and think about:
  • people/things that matters to you
  • your values
  • your goals
  • how you celebrate your success
  • what is your fears
this seminar let you understand yourself better and get you thinking of what happen this year, what had you learnt, what are you going to do in future. also through some activities, you get to know more about your colleagues. maybe this is the first time, i'm doing it so i do enjoy it so far. i guess if i have to do it every year, i might not enjoy this at all.
its indeed a total different experience.

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